Risk of Bowel Perforation from Swallowing Dried Jujube Seeds: Expert Warning

Ăn yến chưng với táo đỏ, người phụ nữ nhập viện nguy kịch vì lý do này

On February 12, Dr. Le Nhat Huy, Deputy Director of the Colorectal and Pelvic Floor Surgery Center at Viet Duc Hospital, shared a critical case involving the ingestion of dried jujube seeds. This serves as a cautionary tale for those who are careless when consuming foods containing sharp foreign objects.

Initial Symptoms Easily Confused with Appendicitis

According to Dr. Huy, the patient experienced upper abdominal pain a day before being admitted, which later spread to the right lower quadrant. These symptoms closely resemble acute appendicitis. A CT scan at a hospital in Thái Nguyên suspected bowel necrosis, prompting an emergency transfer to Viet Duc Hospital.

Upon admission, the patient was in systemic infection with generalized abdominal pain. After consultation, doctors diagnosed generalized peritonitis – a severe infection affecting the entire abdominal cavity – requiring immediate emergency surgery.

Unexpected Findings During Laparoscopic Surgery

During the laparoscopic procedure, doctors discovered cloudy fluid and fibrin spread throughout the abdominal cavity. Notably, the appendix showed no signs of inflammation, but segments of the small and large intestines were inflamed, swollen, and adhered together. After cleaning the abdominal cavity, a perforation was found in the small intestine, with a sharp foreign object protruding outward.

The extracted foreign body was identified as a dried jujube seed, a common ingredient often used in dishes like bird’s nest soup or herbal tea.

Expert Warning

The patient revealed she had consumed bird’s nest soup with jujubes and accidentally swallowed a seed. Believing it would naturally pass through her system, she didn’t worry much. However, this oversight led to a risk of intestinal perforation and generalized peritonitis.

Dr. Huy emphasized that sharp foreign objects such as jujube seeds, toothpicks, fish bones, and chicken bones can damage the digestive tract. If not promptly detected and treated, they may cause intestinal perforation, peritonitis, severe infections, and even life-threatening conditions.

To prevent similar accidents, doctors advise the public to be cautious when eating foods containing sharp objects. If accidentally ingested, seek medical attention within 4-6 hours for an endoscopy to remove the foreign body and prevent serious complications.


The story of the woman who suffered a bowel perforation from swallowing a dried jujube seed is a crucial reminder of the importance of mindful eating and health awareness. Always exercise caution with foods containing sharp objects and seek timely medical assistance if issues arise. Don’t let carelessness lead to severe consequences.


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