Search for the Pickup Truck Involved in Hit-and-Run Accident: Outrage on Social Media

Truy tìm xe bán tải chèn ngã hai người đi đường rồi bỏ chạy

On the afternoon of January 24, a video clip showing a pickup truck causing a serious accident with a motorcycle and then fleeing the scene drew significant attention from the public. The incident not only sparked widespread anger but also raised questions about the awareness and responsibility of road users.

Incident Details

According to footage captured by the surveillance camera of a trailing container truck, a white Toyota Hilux pickup truck with license plate 37C-523.xx was traveling on National Highway 15. Suddenly, the pickup truck driver swerved to the left, colliding heavily with a motorcycle carrying two people.

pickup truck hit-and-runpickup truck hit-and-run

The collision caused both individuals on the motorcycle to fall onto the road. Instead of stopping to assist the victims or cooperate in resolving the incident, the pickup truck driver immediately drove away from the scene.

Community Response

The video quickly spread on social media, attracting thousands of comments and shares. The driver’s act of fleeing after causing the accident outraged the community. Many people called for authorities to take swift and strict action against this behavior.

Authorities Step In

That evening, a traffic police officer from Traffic Police Division 4, Nghe An Provincial Police Department, told Dan Tri that the unit had obtained information about the incident and was actively verifying the identity of the driver and the vehicle involved.

“We are currently tracking down the vehicle responsible for the accident and will handle it strictly according to the law,” the officer affirmed. This demonstrates the determination of authorities to protect citizens’ rights and maintain traffic order.

Meaning and Lessons Learned

The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of traffic awareness and highlights the role of surveillance systems in monitoring and addressing violations. Installing cameras along roads not only captures unexpected situations but also provides valuable tools for authorities to trace and deal with offenses.

Additionally, this case acts as a warning to irresponsible drivers who intentionally flee after causing accidents. Such actions not only violate the law but also cause severe harm to others’ lives and health.


As of now, the authorities continue to investigate the incident thoroughly. Citizens hope that relevant agencies will handle the case justly, ensuring fairness and deterring similar actions in the future. Remember, every action taken while driving can directly impact your own life and those around you.

Readers can follow updates at the original source: Read more here.

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