Several Leaders and Commanders of Hậu Giang Provincial Police Request Early Retirement

Nhiều lãnh đạo, chỉ huy của Công an tỉnh Hậu Giang xin nghỉ hưu trước tuổi

On February 16, information from the Hậu Giang Provincial Police revealed that the agency had organized a conference to disseminate and implement the plan by the Central Party Committee of Public Security regarding the conclusions of the Central Committee and the Politburo on continuing the restructuring and streamlining of local public security organizations for more effective and efficient operations in response to new requirements and tasks.

Director of Hậu Giang Provincial Police, Senior Colonel Huỳnh Việt Hòa, speaks at the conferenceDirector of Hậu Giang Provincial Police, Senior Colonel Huỳnh Việt Hòa, speaks at the conference

According to the Hậu Giang Provincial Police, so far, 13 leaders and commanders within the unit have requested early retirement to facilitate organizational restructuring and streamlining.

Of these, five are department heads or chiefs of district, town, and city police; six are deputy department heads or deputy chiefs of district, town, and city police; and two are team leaders at the district level.

All 13 individuals are core officers who have held leadership and command roles across various fields of work, consistently demonstrating dedication and high responsibility in their duties.

According to the Hậu Giang Provincial Police, these leaders and commanders requesting early retirement reflect a strong sense of responsibility toward the Party, the State, and the public security sector during this crucial historical period of organizational reform within the political system.

The rights and benefits of these leaders and commanders will be implemented in accordance with policy guidelines concerning public security leaders, commanders, officers, and soldiers during the process of organizational restructuring and streamlining.

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