Stop Appointing New Standing Committee Members at Provincial, District Levels Until Party Congress

Dừng bổ sung ủy viên ban thường vụ cấp tỉnh, huyện đến khi tổ chức đại hội

Standing Member of the Secretariat Tran Cam Tu has just signed and issued Conclusion 118 by the Politburo, which revises and supplements certain contents of Directive No. 35-CT/TW dated June 14, 2024, by the 13th Politburo regarding party congresses at various levels leading up to the 14th National Congress of the Communist Party.

Accordingly, the Politburo issued Conclusion 118, unifying adjustments and additions to some contents of Directive No. 35 to implement the Central Committee’s policy on restructuring and streamlining the organizational apparatus of agencies and units within the political system.

“Eliminate regulations on the number of executive committee members, standing committee members, deputy secretaries, and delegates attending higher-level congresses for the Party Committees of Central Government Agencies, Central Enterprises, and provincial or municipal government and enterprise party committees as stated in Directive 35,” stated Conclusion 118.

Additionally, Conclusion 118 adjusts and supplements certain contents of Directive No. 35 regarding the structure and number of executive committee members, standing committee members, and deputy secretaries of four central-level party committees (Party Committee of Central Government Agencies, Government Party Committee, National Assembly Party Committee, Fatherland Front and Central Mass Organizations); the number of executive committee members, standing committee members, and deputy secretaries of party committees under these four central-level party committees; the number of executive committee members, standing committee members, and deputy secretaries of two party committees directly under provincial or municipal party committees, as well as grassroots-level party committees (branches).

Tran Cam Tu signing Conclusion 118Tran Cam Tu signing Conclusion 118Standing Member of the Secretariat Tran Cam Tu signing Conclusion 118 (Photo: UBKTTW)

Regarding the number of executive committee and standing committee members at the provincial and district levels for the 2025-2030 term, according to Conclusion 118, the number of executive committee and standing committee members will follow Directive 35.

Conclusion 118 also states that the number and structure of standing committee members at the commune level for the 2025-2030 term will range from 5 to 7 people. The structural guidance for the standing committee includes adding the position of Deputy Chairman of the People’s Committee at the commune level, in addition to the positions already mentioned in Directive 35.

The conclusion also provides guidance on organizing the 2025-2030 term congresses for party committees (branches) that cease operations, newly established, merged, consolidated, and other subordinate party organizations.

Furthermore, Conclusion 118 specifies halting the appointment of new party committee members and standing committee members at provincial and district levels for the 2020-2025 term, three months prior to the start of the party congress at each level (provincial level before July 1, district level before April 1).

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