The Great Virtue of Obstetricians: Welcoming New Life on New Year’s Eve

Được đón những thiên thần: Phúc đức lớn của bác sĩ sản khoa

On the eve of the Year of the Snake, Prof. Dr. Nguyễn Duy Ánh, Director of the National Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology, arrived at the hospital early to celebrate the Lunar New Year with his staff and encourage mothers giving birth during this special moment. With over 12 years in the field, he always dedicates the most sacred moments of the new year to welcome newborns.

The Silent Sacrifice of Obstetric Teams

Dr. Ánh shared that every New Year’s Eve brings unforgettable emotions. “At the transition between the old and new year, witnessing the sacrifice of our medical staff – those who cannot be with their families but still serve the community – deeply moves me,” he said.

He emphasized that for obstetricians, the greatest joy is holding newborns as they cry for the first time. “That cry, at the sacred moment of the New Year, means more than fireworks,” Dr. Ánh reflected.

Babies Born at the Stroke of Midnight

At exactly midnight, the first baby of the new year was born at the National Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology: Trịnh Đăng Khôi, weighing 3.1kg. The son of Tào Thị Lụa (born in 1993, from Bình Lục, Hà Nam) brought immense joy to his family and the medical team.

Not only at the National Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology, but also at Từ Dũ Hospital, hundreds of healthcare workers were on duty throughout the night to ensure safe deliveries. At the stroke of midnight, the son of Nguyễn Văn Tiến and Nguyễn Thanh Trúc was born, filling the room with overwhelming happiness.

Mr. Tiến shared, “I never expected my wife to give birth right at midnight. We’ve decided to name him Văn Quang, hoping he’ll have a bright future.”

In another delivery room, Võ Huy Điền and Nguyễn Thị Khánh Huyền (born in 1994, from Đồng Nai) welcomed their second daughter, naming her Minh Anh. Another unique case was the son of Phan Thị Mai Huỳnh (born in 2004, from An Giang), who decided to name her child Dưa Hấu (Watermelon) as a special New Year’s gift.

Future Developments in Leading Maternity Hospitals

According to Prof. Dr. Nguyễn Duy Ánh, 2025 will mark a new milestone for the National Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology with the opening of the Fetal Intervention Center. This will provide opportunities to save many infants with prenatal conditions. Additionally, the hospital is advancing research in stem cell technology, genetics, and egg preservation.

At Từ Dũ Hospital, Director Trần Ngọc Hải proudly announced that the maternal mortality rate is nearly zero. Last year, the hospital handled nearly 900,000 consultations, performed around 60,000 deliveries, and conducted over 16,000 laparoscopic surgeries, with minimally invasive procedures accounting for 77% of all operations.

Từ Dũ Hospital has also achieved European standards in neonatal resuscitation and international collaboration. “Your child is the happiness and mission of Từ Dũ Hospital’s staff,” Dr. Hải affirmed.


The emotional stories of babies born at the stroke of midnight are not only a source of joy for families but also a source of pride for obstetric teams. These silent heroes bring happiness to millions of Vietnamese families. Let us express deep gratitude to those in the field of obstetrics – the people who help create miracles in life.

If you want to learn more about maternal and infant care or need professional advice, don’t hesitate to contact reputable maternity hospitals.


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