Top 10 Notable Events in HCM City’s Labor and Social Welfare Sector in 2024

10 sự kiện nổi bật của ngành LĐ-TB&XH TPHCM năm 2024

From the beginning of 2024, the Department of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs (LD&SW) in HCM City has marked significant milestones with meaningful and effective activities. These events not only reflect efforts in administrative reform but also affirm the sector’s crucial role in improving the lives of residents and businesses. Let’s take a look at the standout achievements of the sector this year.

Digital Transformation for Public Service

At the start of 2024, the LD&SW Department in HCM City launched the theme “Building a Strong and Clean Party Organization, Promoting Digital Transformation – Administrative Reform.” This strategic move aims to enhance service quality for both citizens and businesses.

The department organized 8 dialogues, engaging over 2,700 businesses. The model “Supporting and Accompanying Citizens and Businesses” was widely implemented, achieving an impressive satisfaction rate of 99.77% among citizens.

New Face of Vocational Education and Employment

2024 marked a new milestone with the first-ever Vocational Education and Career Guidance Fair, attracting 37 training institutions and over 11,000 students. Activities such as the National Vocational Teacher Conference and the Tran Dai Nghia Award have become sources of pride for the entire sector.

Regarding employment, economic sectors provided jobs for 329,687 individuals, a 4.4% increase from the previous year. Urban unemployment rates dropped to 3.81%, contributing to economic and social stability.

Honoring Veterans and War Heroes

HCM City leads the nation in caring for those who served. In 2024, the LD&SW Department built and renovated 290 homes of honor, refurbished 45烈士陵园, and restored 112 portraits of Heroic Mothers and martyrs. Regular “return-to-source” activities were also organized, yielding profound political and social impacts.

Achieving Poverty Elimination Goals Ahead of Schedule

One of the most notable achievements is the early completion of the poverty elimination target set for 2021-2025. By the end of 2024, 13 districts had achieved this goal, and all 22 districts are expected to complete it by Q1 2025.

Combating Social Evils

In response to the rising number of drug users (up by 27,310 compared to 2023), the department managed 13 rehabilitation centers housing 16,703 individuals. These efforts contribute to building a safe, healthy, and sustainable society.

Developing Social Work Professions

In 2024, the department organized several events to honor the values of social work. International delegations visited Australia, Laos, and South Korea to learn best practices.

Proposing New Social Security Policies

To commemorate the 50th anniversary of National Reunification, the department proposed seven new policies to better support the elderly, the poor, war veterans, and victims of human trafficking.

Pilot Project “Happiness Plan”

The department launched the pilot project “Supporting Civil Servants for Work-Life Balance,” creating an equal, safe, and happy working environment.

Preparing for the Party Congress

In 2024, the Party Committee focused on preparing for the 2025-2030 Party Congress. Many personnel appointment and planning initiatives were completed, ensuring a capable and qualified leadership team.

Worker Movements Focused on Patriotism

The department implemented over 20 competitive programs, fostering a vibrant atmosphere across the sector. As a result, they received the Prime Minister’s Flag of Excellence and numerous other prestigious awards.

Through these notable events, the LD&SW sector in HCM City has demonstrated its vital role in promoting economic and social development while showing a high level of responsibility in caring for the well-being of its residents. These achievements are not only a source of pride but also a driving force for continued progress in the future.


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