Two Sisters in Critical Condition After Drinking Pink Liquid Found in a Field

Hai chị em nguy kịch sau khi uống lọ dung dịch màu hồng vứt ngoài ruộng

On February 2nd, the District Hospital of Yen Thanh, Nghe An Province, received two children suspected of rodenticide poisoning. The sisters P.V.K., aged 4, and P.T.H., aged 9, from Phuc Thanh Commune, Yen Thanh District, were brought to the hospital by their relatives in critical condition.

Critical Condition of the Two Sisters

According to family information, in the morning of the same day, the two sisters accompanied their mother to visit their rice fields. While their mother was working, H. found a pink liquid container and thought it was sweet water. Both girls opened and drank it. Soon after, the younger brother turned blue and had seizures, while H. vomited and shivered.

Two sisters in critical condition after drinking pink liquid found in a field - 1Two sisters in critical condition after drinking pink liquid found in a field – 1

The 4-year-old boy was in poor condition during emergency transport (Photo: Duc CC).

Initial Diagnosis and Treatment

A doctor at the District Hospital of Yen Thanh stated: “The younger brother drank more and showed worse symptoms, with a poor prognosis. After initial treatment, we transferred both children to a higher-level facility for further care. Based on the children’s accounts and symptoms, we suspect this was rodenticide rather than pesticide.”

Transfer to Higher-Level Facility for Treatment

Currently, both sisters have been transferred to the Obstetrics and Pediatrics Hospital of Nghe An for continued treatment. Their conditions are being closely monitored.


This tragic incident once again underscores the importance of supervising children, especially in potentially hazardous environments like farmlands. Exposure to harmful chemicals can lead to severe consequences.

We hope that timely medical care will help the two sisters recover quickly and return to normal life.

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