Woman Deceased After Alleged Fall from 37th Floor in Nha Trang: Investigation Ongoing

Người phụ nữ tử vong nghi rơi từ tầng 37 của tòa nhà ở Nha Trang

On the evening of February 5, a serious incident occurred at the upscale Mường Thanh Viễn Triều apartment complex in Vinh Phước Ward, Nha Trang City. A woman was found deceased after reportedly falling from a high floor of the building. The case has drawn significant public attention.

According to eyewitnesses, around 7:30 PM, residents near the area heard a loud noise coming from the courtyard of building OC1A within the Mường Thanh Viễn Triều complex. Upon investigation, they were shocked to find a woman’s body in an incomplete state.

Police cordoning off the scene for investigationPolice cordoning off the scene for investigation
Police cordoning off the scene to investigate the death of a woman in Nha Trang (Photo: Trần Minh).

Upon receiving the report, the police force from Vinh Phước Ward promptly arrived at the scene to secure the area and begin their investigation. Initial information from residents suggests that the woman fell from the 37th floor of the building. However, the identity of the victim and the specific cause of the incident have yet to be disclosed by authorities.

Key Details of the Incident

1. Initial Developments

At the time of the incident, many residents quickly gathered at the scene. Some eyewitnesses expressed feelings of extreme shock and distress upon witnessing the tragic scene. “We heard a very loud noise and by the time we ran out, it was already too late,” one witness said.

2. Response from Authorities

Law enforcement swiftly implemented measures to secure the crime scene and collected statements from相关人员。现场被严格封锁,以确保调查顺利进行。

3. Information from Residents









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