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Facts About Hiring a Painter and Decorator

Facts About Hiring a Painter and Decorator

When you hire a Painter and decorator for your home, you will want to learn about their training, any licenses or certification they may have, what types of insurance they have, and their past business reputation before setting them loose in your home˳

What certifications should do they need to work?

Although decorators and interior designers do not always need certifications or licenses to work, but they often do display something about their education in the field˳ Granted, there are people who work as decorators who have simply developed a reputation among friends, families and established customers as having a great sense of style, colour and panache˳ Many decorators do, however, seek out training for a career in interior decorating for which they do receive a certificate of completion˳

Clients would do well to ask the decorator for information about training and previous work˳ They may want to ask to see a portfolio of a decorator’s past work or they may want to request permission to visit past work sites to see how well the job was done and learn from past clients how satisfactory they found the work˳

Certified Interior Decorators International provides individual certifications and decorators with a professional membership˳ In Canada, they have something similar called the Canadian Decorator’s Association˳ These groups provide decorators with a business membership and a sort of governmental body for certifications of training˳

What is the difference between a Designer and a Decorator?

Decorators and designers are not interchangeable terms because interior designers will usually have some sort of certification proving their experience˳ You should be aware the decorators are limited in what they are permitted to do, so make sure they have the skills and training to do the job for which they are being considered˳

What you should look for when hiring a Painting contractor˳

When you hire painters and decorators you should also make sure the painters are up to the task of doing the job˳ Most painting contractors will have started small with a simple one man operation that may or may not specialize in interior or exterior paint jobs˳ Over time a reputable painter may hire more workers and develop teams who specialize, too˳ The main thing about a contractor is that he or she will likely be bonded and insured against damage and accidents˳ When you hire your painting contractor, ask about bonding and insurance˳ A good company will have both, for they want you to know they care about doing a good job˳

When you are hiring people to work for you, please be cautious with your trust and money˳ You want to hire the best people to help make your house a home˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Facts-About-Hiring-a-Painter-and-Decorator&id=7256038

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