Home News Fake M&M’s

Fake M&M’s

Fake M&M's

Are you really sure that your favorite snacks are actually manufactured by the companies who’s names are on the wrapping?

Did you think that fake merchandise from the Far East only referred to wrist watches, CD’s, DVD’s and designer Labels? If you have never thought about this question in depth, it may be time to do so˳ It has recently been discovered that many of the world’s favorite snacks are being fraudulently copied by various companies in the Far East˳

World famous snacks are being produced to look and taste exactly the same as the original product˳ Even “last sell by dates”, “dates of production”, company details, and list of ingredients that must be printed by law on the wrapping of every product are carefully planned to coincide with the production details of the original companies’˳ Everything is planned right down to the last detail so as to elude the suspicions of government inspectors, retailers and consumers alike˳

All of the companies that manufacture these fraudulent products are 100% sure that you the consumer will not be able to taste the difference between their fakes and the original product because they are identical in every way to the original˳

Import companies all around the globe are tempted and lured by the prospect of lower prices and higher profit margins˳ Both the shops that sell the products and you the consumer are completely unaware of the conspiracy˳ After all, you are getting a completely identical product in every way, right?

Wrong! In fact you are actually getting more than you paid for˳ The added ingredients come in the form of potentially dangerous bacteria such as Salmonella, E˳ coli, listeria˳ These and other forms of microorganisms have been found in snacks that have been copied in the Far East˳ Tests to discover such activities have been carried out by several government health authorities and by the quality control departments of the companies whose products have been copied and whose reputations have been damaged˳

We also need to realize that international standards organizations such as ISO, GMP or HACCP will have nothing to do with companies that are faking the products of other reputable and responsible companies˳ This means that there is no control or information about how these products are produced˳ Hygiene standards are likely to be low and cleaning regimes may be waved˳

Original manufacturers such as Nestle, Cadbury’s, Hershey’s and many other companies go to great lengths to ensure that you are buy a safe and hygienic product˳ They test all the ingredients that go into a product and they also test the all the parameters of the production of the final product˳ A large part of the cost of the product goes to cover the cost of quality control˳ With fake products, hygiene and quality may be the last thing on the mind of the manufacturer˳

Reputable food companies now find that they now have to contend with this snack piracy on a continual basis˳ They are also finding that they, who had no part in the production of these imitation products, now have to continually check for fakes on shop shelves around the world and take responsibility for the correction of such infringes upon the reputation of their own company name˳

In several countries authorities were alerted to counterfeit snacks on the shelves of shops when complaints of food contamination were gathered from hospitals˳ After identifying snacks as the cause importers were forced to recall all of the offending products and are now having to answer to legal allegations by national health and safety authorities˳ Several such companies now face losing their import licenses, receiving hefty fines and being given periods of jail time˳

Practices such as these are common in our day and age˳ Activities like these are responsible in part for the increase in the instances of food poisoning around the world˳

Could this be the wake up call you have been waiting for regarding the quantity of snacks you eat?

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Fake-MandMs&id=2074267

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