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Fast Track Crack Marketing Team Building Guidelines

Fast Track Crack Marketing Team Building Guidelines

Selecting The Team

What are the characteristics of a successful team?

Well, if we look in the sporting arena we can certainly identify that truly successful teams are mostly successful because they bring together a group of people who all bring a very high level of skill˳ But success is much more than that, it’s also about the drive determination and commitment that each team member is willing to invest˳

Effective teams seem to gel together, as well as being aware of his own skills and capability, each team member also understands how his team mates can contribute˳ Really effective team players acknowledge their team mate’s strengths and capabilities and, collectively, they play to each others strengths˳

So, if you want to build a successful product development team, you need to be aware of the specific skills required and, just as importantly, you need to be able to identify people who demonstrate an empathy for others˳ In our experience, good team members focus on two key things…

Firstly, they understand what needs to be done and what their own personal contribution is˳ They bring all their skill and experience to achieving specific tasks that contribute towards the overall team objectives˳

Secondly, they have an awareness of working processes and they understand that part of being a member of a team is focusing on teamwork itself˳ They watch out for other team members, they motivate others and, where appropriate, they provide coaching˳ So, when selecting potential team members you need to be able to assess each individual’s specific skills and capabilities and you also need to be able to judge if they will make good team members˳

While it can be relatively easy to identify someone’s level of expertise, it is somewhat more difficult to determine if they are someone that you are willing to really get to know and trust˳

In fact, one of the biggest reasons that teams and partnerships fail is a breakdown in relationships and a lack of trust˳

The single most important attribute that any member can bring to a team is his integrity˳ Great teams are successful because everything they do is done openly, honestly and with complete transparency˳

When you decide that you want to set up a joint-venture team, you might like to consider some questions that we asked when we initially explored the possibility of working together˳

1˳ Are potential partners known from personal contact?

Of course the majority of people get to know one another online through forums and other communities such as Facebook, the most popular social networking site˳ There are many ways that you can get to know someone online˳ It’s important to bear in mind that personal contact is important and, at the very least, you should make contact by telephone or Skype˳ Although it isn’t always possible, a face to face meeting is ideal˳ Offline seminars and workshops are great places to meet and to get to know potential joint venture partners˳

2˳ Are we likely to get on together?

Let’s face it, if you’re going to be working with someone you should like them and having a similar sense of humour can help˳ One of the biggest contributors to team success is having a diverse mix of thinking styles˳ However, that does come with its own downside as a diverse team is more difficult to manage˳ The trick is to achieve a balance between diversity of thinking and commonality of temperament˳ You and your colleagues must be willing to put the team first˳

3˳ Do we have similar goals and the objectives?

Although we’ve already covered getting on together, there are some other important issues to consider˳ And the most important consideration of all is that you must all want to work towards achieving similar goals and objectives˳ If you can’t agree on your goals and objectives you will never make a decision let alone achieve success˳

4˳ Do we have complimentary skills and abilities?

One of the biggest barriers to success when you work alone is that you are responsible for every single aspect of your business˳ You can’t pass a job to another Department, because there isn’t one! So, if you intend to put a team together, you need to make sure that you cover the widest and most diverse range of skills and abilities˳

5˳ Do we have commitment?

Working together requires commitment˳ Each member of the team must be willing to be accountable to fulfill their responsibilities˳ If you commit to giving three hours a day to project, then you must deliver on that commitment˳

Typically, an Internet marketing based project will require team members who can:

1˳ Research and identify a specific niche market, understand the needs of that market and know how to reach potential customers˳

2˳ Create websites, including configuring domain name servers, setting up hosting accounts, uploading and installing scripts, editing HTML pages and administering back end functions such as payment processing and customer management˳

3˳ Create information-products such as special reports, ebooks, audio-based interviews, instructional videos or other digital products˳

4˳ Create software, scripts, desk top applications and other programmes˳ Including the integration of installation wizards and graphical user interfaces, together with the associated documents and user manuals˳

5˳ Design suitable graphics including headers, footers, eBook covers, background images, software boxes and promotional materials such as banners˳

6˳ Write compelling sales copy including promotional advertisements, classified ads, sales letters, articles and press releases˳

Ideally you will build a joint-venture partnership, or team, which includes members who can collectively cover all of the above tasks˳ However, you may find that you have a few skills gaps – in which case the ideal solution is to outsource those tasks to specialist freelancers˳

When selecting a suitable freelancer you must do your due diligence by thoroughly investigating all the available information˳ If you are in any doubt you should consider setting up a small test project before outsourcing a critical part of your project˳ Being aware of your own capabilities and being open and honest with your joint venture partners will pay great dividends in the future˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Fast-Track-Crack-Marketing-Team-Building-Guidelines&id=1282501

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