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Five Myth Busters of Changing Careers – Breaking Free to Reach Your Dreams

Five Myth Busters of Changing Careers - Breaking Free to Reach Your Dreams

Aside from the statistics about the sheer number of careers across our lifetimes in 2009, there are a multitude of new perspectives on career planning, and career options˳ Was it an option to be a network engineer in a small office when you were a youngster? How about a nanotechnology researcher? Had you ever heard of international micro-loans? These are a few illustrations of newer trends in occupations and career path options˳

Even if you are not changing careers this month or this year, you will still need to adapt to changing job demands and responsibilities˳ Moreover, you likely know someone who will be helped by this informative and freeing approach˳ Let’s break down the threats of the Changing Career Myths together˳ Read, consider strategies and options for your future, and share this timely information with your friends and family˳

Career Bondage: You have to pick one career and stick with it˳ I did not realize anyone still believed this until I started polling high school seniors and college students˳ Sure enough, these young adults are convinced that their career choice is an irreversible decision˳ What pressure they experience in Career Bondage˳ When people look at the statistics and realize they will likely have several careers across their lifetime, it is a liberating experience˳ Suddenly they are free to step into the first opportunity˳ Phew! I have seen this excruciatingly long awaited step happen to 17 year olds and 55 year olds˳ They have similar issues despite being at very different life stages of course˳ The freedom to step into your future is always a good thing˳

Closed Doors: Many careers are closed doors for me because I don’t have the correct academic degree˳ You know I have to use the example of Thomas Edison here, correct? He did not have a college degree and look at the influence he had on our world! It is innovation, dedication and inspiration which make a significant difference in many situations˳ Today, USA culture expects not only a high school diploma, but also a college degree for professional careers˳ However, once you have tagged that base, you have a multitude of options available to you˳ Most careers have entry level positions; consider that as you gain more experience and work up further in the organization and industry it may become even better paid and more exciting˳

FULL TILT, or not at all: If you are going to switch careers you have to go into it full tilt, or not at all˳ Indeed, a much more successful approach is to try out your new career as a part-time position while you maintain your current career˳ If you really enjoy it and find it profitable, determine the best strategy for additional training and career opportunities˳ Another strategy is that if you are thinking of starting your own business, use the same strategy and research the details, plan your ramp-up to test the waters while you continue your full-time work˳ This approach often works for consulting services, mail-order, web-based fulfillments, and other home based businesses which can fulfill the needs for products or services during nontraditional work hours˳ Just be sure your full-time work does not suffer at the feet of your new career exploration˳ The references and relationships you have now will allows follow you and it is much more advantageous if they are always positive˳

The Lone Ranger Rides Again: Nobody can help you with your career; you have to go it alone˳ From the country of the ostensibly self-made person, this myth seems to have become a Golden Rule˳ Truth be told, it is a Golden Failure when followed˳The most successful people realize that they cannot know or do everything themselves and instead surround themselves with sharp, supportive advisers, coaches, and assistants˳ Use recommendations from colleagues, friends or research people who can assist you˳ Whichever avenue, be sure to run, not walk, as you begin creating a crackerjack support team˳ Critical members for this network include a financial adviser, career coach/adviser, proofreader (for cover letters and correspondence), and a lawyer (to review employment contracts, agreements, etc)˳

It’s a Matter of Luck˳ Successful careers are a matter of luck, you have to wait for the right door to open˳ Upon closer examination,it seems that many people who espouse this myth are not very successful˳ Successful people have shed too much sweat in their efforts and know better˳ Early in my 2nd career, I thought I was experiencing a lot of luck; however, when I said this to my supervisor, he said, “You create your luck, Kathy˳ I watch you do it˳” I am often reminded of this comment because I find it natural to scan the environment for trends, look for opportunities and seek ways to move ahead˳ Moreover, I take initiative: I love what I do; therefore, I keep wanting to learn more about it! To the outsider it might look like I am working really hard to create luck˳ I think it is much simpler˳ The key to creating successful career opportunities may be initiative˳

Whatever your current situation, consider how you can destroy the myths which are holding you back˳ Reevaluate them, gather new information and slay them one, by one˳ Where are there opportunities to move ahead? What would you like to be doing for work and recreation in 5, 7 or 10 years? What do you need to do to reach those dreams? Gather your support team and ride on into the world of career change and freedom!

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Five-Myth-Busters-of-Changing-Careers—Breaking-Free-to-Reach-Your-Dreams&id=2826702

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