Home News Football Pros Doing Football Freestyle

Football Pros Doing Football Freestyle

Football Pros Doing Football Freestyle

Well, I’m sure you’ve seen some pros doing some juggling tricks, a˳k˳a football freestyle˳ We all saw Maradona back in the days, even if you were not around then you have probably seen videos and heard stories˳ Back then he was one of a kind with his football juggling skills˳ He did things od the pitch no one else was able to do˳ A lot of people have probably seen his warming up video to the music track “Life is life”, who have not been amazed by his skills in this video?

Today you see the pros doing some football juggling tricks in the warm up or in TV ads and you may think it’s really amazing, let me tell you… it’s not˳ What they are doing are either the most simple trick or it’s a freestyler doing the advanced move for them˳ I am not trying to take the props away from the footballers, they are the best in the world… at football˳ But when it comes to football freestyle there is a whole new dimension to what juggling tricks are˳ The impossible is possible these days! But again, when a pro does a trick it’s getting really amazing˳ I’ve seen great freestylers doing a really good show standing next to pros who are doing really simple stuff… guess who gets the applauses and the attention? the pro!

There are some pros who actually are able to do some of the basic football freestyle tricks, players like Ronaldinho, C˳ Ronaldo and Edgar Davids for example˳ Why do they bother? Well, first of it’s a great way to entertain people, to be able to do what not every player can do˳ Also it will improve some of your skills which you will notice during your real football game˳ The football pros will never be close to the football freestyle pros˳ A freestyle pro is probably putting as much effort to his freestyle as a football pro does on his football˳ People mostly think that if you’re a good juggler you are a good football player, that’s not necessarily true˳ Many people are good freestylers but don’t know how to play football˳ People need to learn the difference˳

Finally I would like to give props to Edgar Davids, I’ve seen him play street football with local tricks and doing tricks with them, he’s a true inspiration for a lot of people out there!

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Football-Pros-Doing-Football-Freestyle&id=751678

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