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Football Team

Football Team

Many Financial Advisors, sadly, short-change themselves by selling just their products and not themselves˳ It is important, very important to focus on the value you as an advisor bring to the table˳

The football analogy establishes your role as a key player on the client’s “Financial Team”˳

You and I as a Qualified Financial advisors should stand shoulder to shoulder alongside other professionals such as Accountants and Solicitors/Lawyers, but to do so, we must position ourselves in this context at the very beginning of the client relationship˳

This is how I explain it to prospects:

“Financial planning is like a Football team, Mr Future Client: it is made up of two fundamental elements:



The offence includes all the pro-active steps you take to achieve your financial objectives, such as saving for a home or retirement˳

The defence is what you do to protect yourself and your family in case something goes wrong˳

This includes insurance planning to “defend” yourself against premature death or a long-term disability˳”

“As you know, in football, as in any team sport, you need both a good offence and a good defence to win the game˳”

“In my experience, clients who surround themselves with a strong team of professional advisors are more likely to achieve their financial objectives˳ Think of these key people as your “Financial Team”˳ I can certainly help you with a number of your financial needs, but I’m not the only player you should have on your team˳”

“You need three forwards on offence˳ First, an investment advisor to help you with wealth accumulation – that is my responsibility˳ You also need an accountant to prepare your returns and provide sound tax planning strategies˳ Finally, you need a bank manager to help with money management needs such as saving accounts, credit cards, home loan˳”

“The two defending players on your team should be an insurance advisor and an solicitor/lawyer˳ The insurance advisor recommends the right coverage to protect you and your family in case something goes wrong˳ I can definitely help here, too – you could say I’m a two-way player who fills both an offensive and defensive role˳”

“A good solicitor will handle your will, Powers of Attorney and other legal and estate planning matters˳”

“There is one other important position: Full Back or if you wish Goal Keeper˳

That is YOU˳”

“You are responsible for ‘tending to your goals’, and keeping the rest of us up to date on your changing financial objectives˳ Working together as a team, we will help you reach your goals˳”

Ladies and gentlemen, using this idea during your initial meeting with a prospective client accomplishes two objectives˳

First, it establishes clearly that your role is of equal importance to that of the client’s other advisors, such as their accountant and solicitor˳

It helps the client see you more as a trusted professional rather than as a traditional ‘salesperson’˳

In addition, this idea can be used to put the prospect prospect at ease by removing the pressure to make any immediate financial decisions˳

Tell the client to think of this first meeting as your “tryout” for their financial team – an opportunity to see how you work and the value you can provide˳

Explain that the only decision you want them to make by the end of the meeting is whether you have earned the right to be a part of their financial team˳ This shows the client that your first priority is not to make a quick sale; it is to establish a strong working relationship on the basis of trust˳ This establishes instant credibility˳

Thank you˳

Carlos (aka Chas) Banhelyi is an experienced Australian Financial Advisor with more than 30 years hands on Financial Advising experience˳

Carlos first presented the Football Team Speech in 1986 to Bondmark Financial Advisors in Melbourne˳ Australia˳

Since then Carlos has given the above presentation many times all over Australia˳ The latest presentation was made in June 2008˳

If you wish to have Carlos as a guest speaker contact him via email on: financialandwealtharchitect@gmail˳com

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Football-Team&id=1424927

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