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Free Vs Paid Hosting – What’s the Best Option for Your Home Business

Free Vs Paid Hosting - What's the Best Option for Your Home Business

Many of us are always in a dilemma while setting up a website for home business only because we are not sure whether free or paid hosting will be the best option for your home business˳ After all you need to have good hosting service at the same time you need to keep the costs as low˳ Here are some tips which would help you decide among free vs˳ paid hosting as the best option for the home business˳

Know your business requirement: Before you start searching for the hosting options, you should take a look at the requirements of your business˳ First look at the business plan and the strategies and then you will understand what type of web hosting will suit you˳ A free web hosting will be good for you if you are doing a website which is a blog and a paid web host is good for you if you are going for a hardcore business website˳

Have an understanding of the hosting options: This is of utmost importance˳ There are two types of hosting shared and dedicated hosting˳ Dedicated hosting is such a type of paid hosting which is perfect for large businesses but for home business it is not perfect˳ Shared hosting is more affordable and therefore is good for small home based business˳

Advantages and disadvantages of free hosting: Free hosting is good for you because there is no cost involved˳ Moreover there are many good companies which offer free hosting services˳ If you research well then you might get a good deal˳ However, free web hosting service providers also give advertisements in your website which might be the advertisement of your competitor or might have obscene content˳ Another problem is that the free hosting servers are often oversubscribed because of too many websites being loaded in the servers˳ This would affect the uptime and your business will suffer˳

After you go through these then only you should decide on the type of hosting˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Free-Vs-Paid-Hosting—Whats-the-Best-Option-for-Your-Home-Business&id=5785238

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