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Get Your WordPress Website on Page 1 of Google

Get Your WordPress Website on Page 1 of Google

Digital Marketing for WordPress Websites

If your search term is not right for your business, too competitive, or just a keyword that does not generate enough traffic, then you can be wasting your time˳ If you are inpatient and you do not do the market research, you can be hitting your head against a wall˳

Digital Marketing for WordPress

Market research online is very easy, accessible, and honest˳ It’s unforgiving and available at your fingertips˳

What are keywords?

In general terms, keywords are the words or phrases that people use to ask a question˳

Free Tools for Market Research

This step is more often than not skipped because, let’s face it, this step is not sexy˳

1˳ Google Keyword Tool

Google has tools that are free and that you can use to do market research˳ This tool allows you to tap into the database of the data that Google creates using AdWords˳ Google AdWords is a product that Google uses to sell advertising space to people who want to advertise for a specific keyword˳


The 3 prime metrics that we are looking for to find a keyword worth targeting are:

  • volume (how many local monthly searches for this keyword)
  • competition (# of websites advertising against this keyword)
  • commercial value

2˳ Google Trends

Shows us the amount of people using a keyword search over a particular time˳ This important because you don’t want to spend time working on SEO for a keyword that is trending downwards and fewer people are searching for the keyword˳

3˳ Google Insights

Gives us a more deep look at search behavior about a keyword˳ Tells you more insights about a keyword such as where and allows you to make a more informed decision˳

Three important concepts to choose the right keyword

Volume – the number of people searching on a keyword

Competition – what is our competition doing in the marketplace˳ What clues are they giving to Google˳ We need to look at the quality and the competition in the marketplace for a keyword˳ If there is a lot of strong competition for a keyword, then you might want to move on and choose a different keyword˳ If a lot of people are advertising for a keyword, then it could mean that it has commercial value around the keyword˳

Market Samurai – eavesdropping on customers and analyze your competition to decide if a keyword is worth going after

WordPress and SEO

So we have put together a list of what we consider to be the best WordPress SEO marketing tools˳ WordPress is by far the best blogging and CMS tool for SEO and business professionals˳ One reason is because of the vast number of free plugins that are available˳ So, take your time to complete the market research and focus on the right keywords to increase traffic with digital marketing for WordPress˳

Free WordPress SEO Tools

  • Social Locker (Free Version)
  • WP Social SEO Pro (Free Version)
  • S2 Member (Free Version)
  • WPRobot (Free Version)
  • Thirsty Affiliates (Free)

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Get-Your-WordPress-Website-on-Page-1-of-Google&id=9780237

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