Home News Getting Things Done Will Make You Feel Better

Getting Things Done Will Make You Feel Better

Getting Things Done Will Make You Feel Better

Getting things done has been a very popular book title for numerous authors˳ Think about it, how much time do you really waste thinking about a certain task that needs to be done which never actually gets done˳ This period of time thinking about this particular chore could be used to get this job done˳ Many times the things that are put off will only take a few minutes to do˳ After you get this thing done, it is off your mind right? Take for example, the dishes you didn’t clean last night after dinner˳ Wouldn’t it be nice to wake up in the morning to a clean kitchen versus a dirty one with unwashed dishes laying around˳ The concept of “Getting Things Done” helps one understand this idea and guides one to do these pesky chores without ever questioning them˳

Lets begin with the simplest yet most mundane chore that you do but often times put off˳ You should ask yourself why aren’t you doing this? Think of the negative energy that builds up inside you every time something in your mind nags at you about your neglect˳ Then compare this feeling with the positive results and benefits to your physical, mental and emotional health if you were to just do this task and get it out of the way˳ Imagine the peace of mind you’ll achieve˳ Just think of how less stressed out you’ll be˳ For most people, when you leave something unattended, before you know it, other issues start to pile up˳ Things like your bills get shoved aside, clutter starts to build and surround you, before you know it, you can’t even find a place to sit down and relax˳ Isn’t it a pain when you have to constantly look for your keys and other nic-nacs˳ Nothing is where it is supposed to be because there is no organized spot for these items to be˳

Thinking about doing something gets absolutely nothing done˳ The last thing anyone should do is live with the guilt of procrastinating and being disorganized˳ Like the Nike motto “just do it,” one item at a time˳ Getting things done will invite the flow of positive energy into your life˳ Eventually you will begin to build the blocks of accomplishment by doing one thing at a time˳ Before you know it, you will be more happy and thus life will generally be better for you˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Getting-Things-Done-Will-Make-You-Feel-Better&id=845602

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