Home News Grandparents Visitation Rights – Arguments For And Against

Grandparents Visitation Rights – Arguments For And Against

Grandparents Visitation Rights - Arguments For And Against

Grandparents visitation rights are being talked about now more than ever˳ The number of grandparents raising grandchildren is on the rise˳The reasons include drug abuse, other addictions, jail, unemployment and many more˳It is alarming to me that there are so many parents not raising their own children˳ The reason that I mention these things are that it is more important now than ever to maintain a close relationship with your grandchildren because they may need you more than you realize˳ If you don’t believe that just look at these numbers it may make you wonder when the next census is taken will you add to that already high number˳

According to the US Census Bureau, about 6 million children across the U˳S˳ are living in households headed by grandparents or other relatives˳ About 4˳5 million of these children in grandparent-headed households˳ The remaining 1˳5 million children live in households headed by other relatives such as aunts, uncles, siblings, or great-grandparents˳ These data are from the 2000 U˳S˳ Census˳

There are lots of arguments for and against grandparents visitation rights and probably with both positive and negative reasons on both sides˳ I would like to give you some pros and cons for and against grandparents visitation and these may help you in making up your mind as to whether you should be getting them˳

In Support Of

  • Grandparents may offer a stable place in their grandchildren’s lives, particularly after a divorce or the death of one of their parents˳
  • If grandparents have been a part of there grandchild’s life, it can be painful to the child if suddenly they don’t get to visit with that grandparent˳
  • The mere fact that parents situations have changed or the grandparents child dies or is in jail or maybe rehab, should not instantly allow the custodial parent the right to cut the ties between the grandparents and grandchildren˳

Arguments Against

  • State doesn’t have any business interfering with the child-rearing choices of capable parents, even if the parent decides that grandparent visitation will not be allowed˳
  • Many grandparents are excluded from their grandchildren’s lives for good reason – for instance, maybe they were abusive to their own children and cannot be trustworthy with the grandchildren˳ Some grandparents interfere with ordinary parental decision-making, or talk bad about one or both parents to the grandchildren
  • If differences exist between parents and grandparents, even if the parents are wrong, court interference may make the home atmosphere of the grandchildren unstable˳

These are a few of the reasons why some people are for and some people are against grandparents visitation rights but the facts don’t lie and the numbers of grandparents raising grandchildren are growing˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Grandparents-Visitation-Rights—Arguments-For-And-Against&id=5645790

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