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He Calls Less Often – Why Men Do This and How to Change It

He Calls Less Often - Why Men Do This and How to Change It

Dating relationships seem to have an ebb and flow to them˳ There’s the beginning stage when you are just getting to know one another and everything seems fresh and new˳ As the relationship matures, things seem to shift into a comfortable and stable place˳ Although it’s nice when you start to feel a pattern to your relationship, that pattern can sometimes includes elements that aren’t exactly what you want˳ This is sometimes what a woman feels in relation to her guy and the issue of telephone calls˳ If he calls less often now than he did when you two first started dating, it’s not only frustrating, it’s disappointing too˳ There’s a slight feeling of rejection that accompanies this and if a woman doesn’t really understand why her man is doing it, she can’t take the necessary steps to change it˳

If he calls less often than he did when you two first got together, there are a number of possible reasons for that˳ One is that he just doesn’t feel the urge to because he knows you’ll call˳ Women often make the crucial mistake of picking up their boyfriend’s slack in this department˳ If he says he’ll call repeatedly and then doesn’t, she’ll call him˳ Eventually he’ll stop calling because he knows that she’ll call anyways˳ It’s a horrible position to get yourself out of if it’s already happened to you˳ The other reason why your boyfriend calls less often may be related to him testing you˳ It’s funny how women often do things just to judge how their man will react˳ We want to feel as though he loves us so we may say or do something hoping to illicit a certain reaction from him˳ Men are much the same˳ He may not call you as often just to see what you’ll do˳ He’s expecting you to overreact and get on his case about it˳ That’s the last thing you want to do˳

The best possible thing you can do if he calls less often is call him less often too˳ Mimic his behavior˳ It doesn’t take a man long to notice when a woman has changed˳ If he’s used to you calling him when he doesn’t call you, he’ll wonder why you’re not˳ He may not come right out and ask you about it, but if he does just tell him that you were too busy or you had other things to tend to˳ If a man feels that he’s not the first thing you think about, he’ll work to change that and calling you more will be part of his approach˳ When that happens you’ll get more calls and he’ll pay more attention to you too˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?He-Calls-Less-Often—Why-Men-Do-This-and-How-to-Change-It&id=3667369

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