Home News Heroin Addiction Treatment Offers a New Beginning

Heroin Addiction Treatment Offers a New Beginning

Heroin Addiction Treatment Offers a New Beginning

Heroin is an opioid, like morphine, only its effects are many times stronger and more addictive˳ The drug interferes with the body’s normal control of life-sustaining responses such as breathing and blood pressure regulation˳

The effects don’t stop there-studies have demonstrated a deterioration of white matter in the brains of chronic users˳ This diminishes the user’s ability to make safe decisions˳ Likewise, it limits their ability to control their own behaviors and accentuates abnormal responses in times of stress˳

Medications currently used for heroin addiction treatment offer users a gradual withdrawal from opiates with minimal symptoms˳ These medications, like Buprenorphine or suboxone, will reduce cravings and gradually reduce the physical dependency on heroin˳ When taken as prescribed, they are quite safe˳ While addicts may be tempted to include other medications for their own comfort, they should discuss this with their physician to avoid untoward results˳ These medications are also credited with reducing withdrawal syndromes in unborn babies˳

The side effects of the medications for heroin addiction treatment are mild in intensity and risk when compared to continued addiction˳ Another great benefit of these medications is the ability to return to work or normal life after one or two initial treatments˳ This makes outpatient therapy not only possible, but successful˳

Regular users of illicit drugs are routinely exposed to infectious diseases, increased incidents of serious pneumonia, convulsions, and death˳ Common medical complications include spontaneous abortions, endocarditis (a crippling heart infection), and toxicity due to impurities in the drug itself˳

Medication is only one step toward sobriety˳ Heroin addiction treatment considers all factors associated with addiction, and each of those will be addressed to acquire long-term abstinence˳ Some people require counseling and meetings with support groups˳ Nearly all heroin users have to stop any association with many of their old friends; the temptation is just too great˳

Family relationships can normally be mended, but those who suffered throughout the addict’s drug use may require an extended period of time to believe that there has been a change˳ They may also need to attend counseling sessions˳

The user, however, often claims a “return to normal” feeling after one week˳ This is the danger point when clients are tempted to miss dosages or stop taking it all together˳

The best result, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), is long-term pharmacological treatment and a slow tapering from the medication used in treatment˳

Recent research performed by NIDA included patients on long-term medications used in heroin addiction treatment˳ The results were encouraging, as up to 80 percent remained abstinent for over three years˳ These outcomes breathe new life into outpatient treatment centers and allow more addicts to achieve sobriety˳ Those who complete treatment may finally be able to return to a normal way of life˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Heroin-Addiction-Treatment-Offers-a-New-Beginning&id=9616602

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