Home News How A Bike Tour Is More Worth Than 3K In FB Ads

How A Bike Tour Is More Worth Than 3K In FB Ads

How A Bike Tour Is More Worth Than 3K In FB Ads

Why should a bike tour be worth more than 3K in FB ads?

A bike tour for your guests does not cost three thousand dollars˳ It does not even get close to $200˳ Yet although hotels and resorts charge only a moderate rate for a bicycle tour, it is worth much more than one can imagine˳

Guests book a bicycle tour to discover the landscape, to obtain a better idea of the culture and to get in touch with the place’s citizens˳ Most of the guests are not aware that they are actually gaining a totally new experience that they will carry with them for a very long time˳ Offering a bike tour is not just another service, but one of the best opportunities you can have to build a very strong relationship with your guests or at least powerful memories˳

A bicycle tour is an event˳ It is exciting, more or less exhausting, fun and cool˳ It creates joy and it binds the group˳ The people get to know each other and start communicating˳ They tell stories and share feelings and passion˳ Overall it is a fun activity that has a very positive outcome˳

Whilst driving around people like to take pictures, videos, take a break at a lovely place and enjoy the time with each other˳ Pictures and videos are taken to remember special moments˳ Therefore, the bike tour will be seen by many different people and the participants will tell their story over and over again˳ Certainly, they are doing word-of-mouth marketing (essentially free of charge)˳ The reason why they are doing it just has to do with the joy the bike tour has brought into their lives˳

Thus, such a small event has a lot of potentials and oftentimes it exceeds one’s expectations˳ In addition, it often surpasses all of your great services combined due to the fun factor and activity˳

As I mentioned before, such a bike tour is very powerful in regards to your image and uniqueness˳ It is unimaginable to figure out how far the message of these experienced events goes˳ Your event could reach the other side of the world due to one shared picture˳

As soon as you are aware of and fully realize the immense positive outcomes of a bicycle tour, you should think about offering tours for a very low cost or even for free˳ You gain much more in the long run even though you do not charge anything for your tours˳

I suggest thinking about it for a while; imagine how a bike tour is set up, where to go, where to rest, where to take pictures/videos, where to have a snack, where to have chats and so on˳ Make up your mind and really think about how many more guests you can attract by offering bike tours that are very low cost or free of charge˳ Perhaps your tours will become so famous that people come to your place solely to experience a tour that is one of a kind˳

After a few successfully completed bike tours you can think about integrating surprises, special gifts for completion, photo booths, access to areas only for VIPs and other interesting tools and gadgets˳ This activity could improve the ranking of your accommodation enormously˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?How-A-Bike-Tour-Is-More-Worth-Than-3K-In-FB-Ads&id=9889630

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