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How Much Money Can A Personal Injury Lawyer Charge Me for My Case?

How Much Money Can A Personal Injury Lawyer Charge Me for My Case?

Most injured clients want to know one thing when meeting with a personal injury lawyer for the first time – how much is my case worth?

Injury lawsuits do not come with guarantees˳ View any lawyer who tells you differently with suspicion˳ Trust an experienced personal injury attorney to give you realistic expectations about your case value˳ Let experienced lawyers help you estimate your case value˳ Case value estimates depend on a variety of factors and generally fall into two categories: economic and noneconomic damages˳

Economic Damages

A personal injury lawyer may tell you that economic factors are, in most cases, easier to prove˳ You may have documentation to support them˳ Personal injury attorneys look for things like:

– lost wages

– doctor and hospital bills

– chiropractor bills

– lost benefits (insurance or maybe pension contributions)

– physical therapy bills

– receipts for medication (prescription as well as over the counter)

Obviously, the higher the economic loss, the higher case value potential will be˳ Bottom line, your personal injury attorney looks for out of pocket loss caused by your injury˳

Non-Economic Damages

These damages are generally more subjective˳ Your lawyer looks for things like:

– nature and extent of your injury

– existence of any scarring or permanent disfigurement

– injury’s effect on your daily life and relationships

– your reported pain and suffering

You may not have documentation to support many of these types of damages but they can have value just the same˳ Let your lawyer discuss what you can reasonably estimate in terms of your specific case value˳

Knowing the Law

In addition to helping estimate economic and non-economic damage potential, a lawyer knows the law as it applies to your case˳ Some laws may have the potential to increase or decrease your case value˳ If you bear some fault for the accident, this can decrease the value˳

Clients who are injured in accidents caused by others’ negligence generally are concerned about paying their medical bills and getting compensation for lost work time˳ A successful personal injury claim can provide you with this and more˳ For experienced analysis and an estimate of your case’s worth, contact a lawyer˳

Call immediately or as soon as practical after an accident or injury in order to insure that evidence is properly handled, protected and preserved˳ You want to make sure that your attorney has the best evidence possible in order to represent your interests˳ Do not hesitate to contact a lawyer in a timely fashion˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?How-Much-Money-Can-A-Personal-Injury-Lawyer-Charge-Me-for-My-Case?&id=7866986

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