Home News How Poor Communications Cost You Customers

How Poor Communications Cost You Customers

How Poor Communications Cost You Customers

Each year, someone does a study about why businesses lose customers˳ It’s no mystery to us, but for the record:

o One percent will die˳
o Three percent will move away˳
o Five percent will be lured away by others˳
o Nine percent will leave simply because they found a better price˳
o Fourteen percent will leave because of unresolved complaints˳
o Sixty-eight percent leave because of Poor Service, Discourteous Treatment or Indifference˳

Now you know˳

Many people mistakenly believe that a return to the good, old-fashioned days of customer service is what’s needed˳ We like tradition, mind you, and simple courtesy will work wonders in any communication˳

Yet modern offices and businesses require an integrated approach to be successful˳ Combining new sales and presentation information methods with never-out-of-fashion honesty and ethical business practices is the way to go˳

Look for ways to help those whose desks are piled high instead of berating them for snapping at a customer who placed one thing too many on their plate˳ People are not, by nature, indifferent–well, most are not˳ Nor are people inclined to deliver poor service or be discourteous˳

Most of us want to help others; we just need the opportunity to develop the customer service skill sets that offer a better way to communicate what our company does in a clear, concise, easy–and fast way˳ Look for new ways to launch customer service campaigns and new methods to deliver a finely-honed message˳ Get buy-in from those delivering the service when constructing the message to ensure a comfortable fit˳ The result will be courteous service–delivered by happy people˳

©BrowningLaFrankie 2009

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?How-Poor-Communications-Cost-You-Customers&id=1975722

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