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How to Create a Better Sales Management System For Your Business

How to Create a Better Sales Management System For Your Business

We’ve seen this process improve sales systems to turn poor results into a hefty 45% conversion rate of prospects into new customers˳

Lasting sales performance rarely comes from super-star performers˳ It comes from great sales management systems˳ Good systems are reliable and they enable all your sales people to improve and maintain their performance˳

We find the best sales management process has10 powerful parts…

1˳ Position descriptions

2˳ Procedures

3˳ Activity expectations

4˳ Performance expectations

5˳ A means of monitoring and reporting activity and performance

6˳ The 3 principles of sales contacts

7˳ Regular sales meetings

8˳ Strategic guidance

9˳ Corrective guidance

10˳ Employee review

Here They Are, Explained…

1˳ Position descriptions need to outline the expectations of your sales person˳ You can’t afford to have out-of-date PD’s˳ If your sales person doesn’t have a clear charter, how can you correct any failure to meet your expectations?

2˳ Procedures describe how to perform certain tasks expected of the sales staff˳ Even aspects taken for granted, like meeting with a prospect, are important and occur regularly… and are therefore appropriately documented into Standard Operating Procedures˳

3˳ Activity expectations are minimum volumes or qualities of calls, visits, scripts and other tasks inherent in the sales procedures˳Since activity is what yields results, activity must be measured and reported on˳

4˳ Performance expectations are expressed as sales dollars and new customers won˳ These come from the right procedures being performed within adequate activity levels˳

5˳ Means of monitoring and reporting activity and performance are means for the staff to record their work and show it to you˳ Both public reporting in charts and private reporting to management would be ideal˳

6˳ We’ve seen 3 valuable principles in a good salesmeeting…

1˳ There must be no unaccountable time in the work week,

2˳ No contact must occur without an agenda, and

3˳ No contact must go without an outcome of some kind and a next step˳

7˳ Regular sales meetings need to be at least weekly˳ Work needs to be interrogated so that management and consultants can provide guidance˳

8˳ Strategic Guidance means suggestions and information of value to overcoming a hurdle the salesperson has encountered˳

9˳Corrective Guidance means admonishment and advice designed to cease activity that is not productive and encourage activity that is productive˳

10˳ Employee reviews are the last component, and this is really a component of a good HR system more than merely a good sales management process˳ We’ll help you set up procedures, forms, sales meeting structures and principles of management that get more from your sales staff˳

Results From Systems That Work

With systems like these, you’ll enjoy the kind of results that are independent of individual personalities in your sales force˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?How-to-Create-a-Better-Sales-Management-System-For-Your-Business&id=2069159

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