Home News How to Start A House Cleaning Business In 7 Simple Steps

How to Start A House Cleaning Business In 7 Simple Steps

How to Start A House Cleaning Business In 7 Simple Steps

One of the main reasons people start businesses is to make money˳ For some it’s a blessing to make money doing something they love˳ I’m not saying that you have to love house cleaning in order to have a successful house cleaning business; however it would be a good idea if you didn’t hate it˳

How much money you make depends on how big you want your business to be˳ It could be a one person operation where you set up at home and service areas close to home, or you could set up a commercial office and hire people to work for you˳

Here are 7 simple steps to get you started on your own house cleaning business˳

1) Decide exactly what kind of house cleaning services you will offer˳

Here you decided what cleaning you will do, like making beds, vacuuming, mopping and waxing floors, dusting and so on˳ Also note what you won’t do, e˳g˳ laundry˳ You can also decide to specialize, e˳g˳ by cleaning carpets only, or cleaning suspended ceilings only˳

2) Pricing your housecleaning service˳

To have an idea of how to charge for your housecleaning service, use your competition˳ Check your telephone directory and the classified ads section in your local newspapers for cleaning businesses, call them up (pretend to be a prospective client) and find out exactly what cleaning services they offer and how much they charge˳ With this information gathered decide the best price to charge for your cleaning service˳

3) Workout startup costs˳

For this you need to consider, tools, material, transport, advertising, insurance etc˳ Write down a list all the tools and material you need, like cleaners, sponges, mops, carpet cleaning equipment etc˳ Next find out the cost of each item on the list and write it down next to the item˳

Transport: you will have to estimate your costs here˳ You see it depends on where your client is located and your means of transportation to get to your client˳ (Having your own vehicle would be to your advantage)˳

Advertising: You can use free advertising (word of mouth) and paid advertising (classifieds, telephone directory ads etc)˳ Phone calls to your local newspaper and the telephone company who publish your telephone directory will tell you the cost of placing ads˳

Once you’ve gathered all this information, calculate your total startup costs˳

4) Name your business˳

Choosing an appropriate name for your house cleaning business is important˳ Here are a few examples I got of the internet, ‘Maid Brigade’, ‘All Shine Cleaning’, ‘White Glove Cleaning Service’˳ Please avoid using ‘Your Name Cleaning Services’˳ Using your own name as part of your business name is over done by many house cleaning businesses˳ Brainstorm and come up with a name that helps you stand out of the crowd˳

5) Learn the zoning regulations of your community˳

Check the city clerk’s Office or your local library for a copy for a copy of the zoning laws governing your community˳ Your reason for doing this is that some zoning regulations prohibit home businesses in a community˳

6) Do a few free cleaning jobs˳

Well you’re not actually doing them for free˳ You’re doing them in exchange for references (these add to your credibility for future paying clients and are invaluable)˳ You can offer these free cleaning jobs to friends, non profit organizations in your communities etc˳

7) Get your first paying client then get another and another and another and so on˳

Tell everyone you know that you’ve started a cleaning business and place ads in the local newspapers˳ In the beginning you need to spend most of your time and money getting paying clients˳ However, the more clients you get the less time and money you spend on marketing and more time you spend on cleaning and making your clients happy˳

This is just the beginning˳ Once you start making money take a house cleaning business course to help you better manage your business in terms of growth, accounting, taxes, insurance better marketing strategies and more˳

You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as the bylines are included˳ A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated˳ fayolap@yahoo˳com

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?How-to-Start-A-House-Cleaning-Business-In-7-Simple-Steps&id=13869

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