Home News How To Write a Short Story That Sells

How To Write a Short Story That Sells

How To Write a Short Story That Sells

Writing a short story, for most writers, is a fairly simple task˳ Writing a novel is a major effort that takes many hours to complete˳ Most people can create a simple short story, however it doesn’t mean they are easy to write˳ You still need to plan your story, create your characters, and tell the story in much fewer words than in a novel˳ When written well a short story can be just as memorable as any novel˳

Probably the best way to learn how to write a short story is to read short stories˳ A good book to read is 50 Great Short Stories edited by Milton Crane˳ Take not of the style and how to write with as fewer words as possible˳ Also how the characters are developed, how dialogue is used, and how the plot unfolds˳

Ideas can pop into your head at any time so carrying a notepad is a advisable to note them down wherever you are˳ Most of the time you will think of a small piece of the story like a location, or characters name˳ Ideas can come to you from many sources such as newspaper boards outside a shop, or something you over hear in the street˳ These can all be built into a good story˳ Sometimes a whole plot will come to you very quickly but this happens less often˳ If you need to write a story for a class or some other occasion and you have no good ideas, try looking through a local news paper or a magazine˳ You could also ask friends and family for help˳

There are several step to a good short story, so when you have decided on your idea these are the steps to follow˳

• Introduction˳ Introduce your setting and character’s˳
• Initial Action˳ The action that starts tension rising˳
• Increasing Actions These are events leading you to the climax˳
• Climax˳ This is the turning point of the story˳ The climax˳
• Decreasing Actions˳ The beginning of the conclusion˳
• Conclusion˳ The final part of the story when it all comes together˳

Once you have decided on your plot it is often a good idea to write a plot plan to work out what will happen at what time

While a novel can take place over many years, have many sub-plots and characters, a short story needs to be much reduced˳ No more than two or three main characters and a time limit of days rather than years˳ Sub-plops should also be avoided˳ If you cant write your short story following these rules you should look at turning your idea into a short novel˳

There are three points of view to tell a story from˳

• First-person “I”
• Second-person “you”
• Third-person “He or She”

First person can be limited as you can only tell the story from the one character˳ What they see feel or hear˳ Second person is not used very often˳ The reader becomes a character in the story˳ Third person is probably the most used as you can tell your story from multiple points of view˳

You should now have your characters and plot worked out and written out for you to follow˳ How much work you will have to do to finish your story depends on how much work you have done in planning˳ I may be that you just need to fill out the plot into a finished short story˳ For most it will be much harder than that, and a full story will need to be written˳

Its very important to get off to an interesting and quick start˳ You need to grip your readers attention with the first line if possible˳ Don’t describe characters or settings in great detail˳ reveal this slowly throughout your short story˳ Set yourself targets such as how much you are going to write each day˳ You will probably run into a few problems, but don’t let this put you off˳ Keep writing even if you decide to throw away that days writing and rewrite it˳

You may decide you want to change your story and adjust the plot or change it completely˳ Or you may add or remove a character˳ It’s your story so this is not a problem˳ You can either write the story letting it develop as you write or re-plan the plot˳ Its completely up to you˳

When you have finished your story go back through it correcting mistakes and editing parts that don’t sound right, or just doesn’t flow˳ If you have time put your story aside for a few days before doing this, it gives you a bit of distance from your work and allow you to look at it more clearly˳ You may decide to rewrite parts or even the whole story˳

You could ask a friend or relative to read your work but make sure you get an honest opinion as often people will tell you what they think you want to hear˳ Another way to do this is use a web site˳ You submit your work and other members will read your story and comment on it˳ Here are a few you can try˳ short-story˳net/ and writing-community˳writersworkshop˳co˳uk/˳ Remember you don’t have to take all advice given, its your work and you should be happy with the finish story˳

Most important˳ Don’t give up, writing short stories can be difficult˳ If you find yourself struggling or getting bored, do something different˳ Watch TV, go out somewhere, even do some cleaning˳ You will find you can cope better with your task when you return to it˳ Don’t let rejection from publishers get you down˳ There are many ways to get your work published and I will cover this soon˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?How-To-Write-a-Short-Story-That-Sells&id=6644236

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