Home News Insult Politics: Donald Trump, Right-Wing Populism, and Incendiary

Insult Politics: Donald Trump, Right-Wing Populism, and Incendiary


How trump ate populism


i Karen Yoursih, Larry Buchanan, & Alicia Parlapiano, “More Than 160 Republican Leaders Don’t Support Donald Trump˳ Here’s When They Reached Their Breaking Point,” New York Times, October 9, 2016, accessed January 4, 2017, www˳nytimes˳com/interactive/2016/08/29/us/politics/at-least-110-republican-leaders-wont-vote-for-donald-trump-heres-when-they-reached-their-breaking-point˳html˳

ii Yourish, Buchanan & Parlapiano, 2016˳

iii After having been shot down on a bombing mission over North Vietnam in 1967, McCain spent over five years as a prisoner of war, enduring torture and horrible conditions˳ Trump received five deferments that enabled him to avoid the draft during the war˳ Ben Schreckinger, “Trump Attacks McCain: ‘I Like People Who Weren’t Captured,” Politico, July 19, 2015, accessed January 4, 2017, www˳politico˳com/story/2015/07/trump-attacks-mccain-i-like-people-who-werent-captured-120317˳

iv All of the references to the first primary debate at the Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland, Ohio are from Fox News, “Fox News Republican Presidential Primary Debates,” August 6, 2015˳

v Considering the volatile nature of primary polling, I am using polling aggregates from Huffington Post and FiveThirtyEight unless otherwise noted˳

vi Jenna Johnson, “Trump Calls for ‘Total and Complete Shutdown of Muslims Entering the United States,’” December 7, 2015, accessed January 22, 2017, www˳washingtonpost˳com/news/post-politics/wp/2015/12/07/donald-trump-calls-for-total-and-complete-shutdown-of-muslims-entering-the-united-states/?utm_term=˳41b70c29a265˳

vii Emmett H˳ Buell Jr˳ & Lee Sigelman, Attack Politics: Negativity in Presidential Campaigns since 1960 (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2009), 1-7; Kathleen Hall Jamieson, Dirty Politics: Deception, Distraction, and Democracy (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992), 43-49; Richard R˳ Lau & Gerald M˳ Pomper, Negative Campaigning: An Analysis of U˳S˳ Senate Elections (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2004), 1-4; John G˳ Geer, In Defense of Negativity: Attack Ads in Presidential Campaigns (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2006), 22-24˳

viii Lau & Pomper 2004, 4˳

ix Buell & Sigelman 2009, 3˳

x Lau & Pomper 2004, 25; Geer 2006, 23˳

xi Robert O˳ Self, All in the Family: The Realignment of American Democracy since the 1960s (New York: Hill & Wang, 2012), 303˳

xii Michael Lind, “Donald Trump, the Perfect Populist,” Politico Magazine, March 9, 2016, accessed January 4, 2017, www˳politico˳com/magazine/story/2016/03/donald-trump-the-perfect-populist-213697˳

xiii M˳D˳, ‘Is Donald Trump a Populist,’ The Economist, July 4, 2016, accessed January 4, 2017, www˳economist˳com/blogs/economist-explains/2016/07/economist-explains-0˳

xiv Julian Zelizer, “Wake Up: Trump Isn’t a Real Populist,” CNN˳com, December 12, 2016, accessed January 4, 2017, http://edition˳cnn˳com/2016/12/12/opinions/trump-not-real-populist-zelizer/; Jeet Heer, “Trump’s Populism Is a Sham,” New Republic, December 9, 2016, accessed January 4, 2017, www˳newrepublic˳com/article/139239/trumps-populism-sham˳ Frank Bruni, “The Pretend Populism of Donald Trump,” New York Times, November 26, 2016, accessed January 4, 2017, www˳nytimes˳com/2016/11/26/opinion/sunday/the-pretend-populism-of-donald-trump˳html˳ Paul Krugman, “Populism, Real and Phony,” New York Times, December 23, 2016, accessed January 4, 2017, www˳nytimes˳com/2016/12/23/opinion/populism-real-and-phony˳html˳

xv Michael Kazin, The Populist Persuasion: An American History (New York: Basic Books, 1995), 3˳

xvi Kazin 1995, 1˳

xvii Alan Brinkley, Voices of Protest: Huey Long, Father Coughlin, and the Great Depression (New York: Vintage Books, 1983), 63, 124-125˳

xviii Steve Fraser, The Limousine Liberal: How an Incendiary Image United the Right and Fractured America (New York: Basic Books, 2016), 63˳

xix Kazin 1995, 165˳

xx Richard Hofstadter, The Paranoid Style in American Politics: and Other Essays (London: Jonathan Cape, 1966), 69-70

xxi Kazin 1995, 166-167˳

xxii Lisa McGirr, Suburban Warriors: The Originso f the New American Right (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2001), 83˳

xxiii Geoffrey Kabaservice, Rule and Ruin: The Downfall of Moderation and the Destruction of the Republican Party, from Eisenhower to the Tea Party (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012), 237˳

xxiv Dan T˳ Carter, From George Wallace to Newt Gingrich: Race in the Conservative Counterrevolution, 1963-1994 (Baton Rogue: Louisiana State University Press, 1996), 4˳

xxv For more on the appeal of racism beyond the South, see Thomas J˳ Sugrue, The Origins of the Urban Crisis: Race and Inequality in Postwar Detroit (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2014); Thomas J˳ Sugrue, Sweet Land of Liberty: The Forgotten Struggle for Civil Rights in the North (New York: Random House, 2009); Ronald P˳ Formisano, Boston against Busing: Race, Class, and Ethnicity in the 1960s and 1970s (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2004); Jonathan Rieder, Canarsie: The Jews and Italians of Brooklyn against Liberalism (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1985); Matthew F˳ Delmont, Why Busing Failed: Race, Media, and the National Resistance to School Desegregation (Oakland: University of California Press, 2016)˳

xxvi Quoted in McGirr 2001, 215˳

xxvii Kazin 1995, 247˳

xxviii Dan T˳ Carter, Politics of Rage: George Wallace, the Originso f the New Conservatism, and the Transformation of American Politics (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2000), 379˳

xxix Carter 1996, 30˳

xxx Bruce J˳ Schulman, The Seventies: The Great Shift in American Culture, Society, and Politics (Boston: Da Capo Press, 2001), 200-201˳

xxxi Jefferson Cowie, Stayin’ Alive: The 1970s and the Last Days of the Working Class (New York: The New Press, 2010), 127˳

xxxii Kazin 1995, 262-263˳

xxxiii Kabaservice 2012, 371˳

xxxiv Kazin 1995, 283˳

xxxv Donald Trump, twitter˳com, June 11, 2016, accessed January 4, 2017, https://twitter˳com/realdonaldtrump/status/741590381503086592˳

xxxvi Donald Trump, twitter˳com, February 26, 2016, accessed January 4, 2017, https://twitter˳com/realdonaldtrump/status/703257866820415488˳

xxxvii Donald Trump, twitter˳com, August 10, 2015, accessed January 4, 2017, https://twitter˳com/realdonaldtrump/status/630901938608017413˳

xxxviii Donald Trump, twitter˳com, September 30, 2016, accessed January 4, 2017, https://twitter˳com/realdonaldtrump/status/781788223055994880˳

xxxix See, for example, Jose A˳ DelReal, “Trump Draws Scornful Rebuke for Mocking Reporter with Disability,” Washington Post, November 26, 2015, accessed January 4, 2017, www˳washingtonpost˳com/news/post-politics/wp/2015/11/25/trump-blasted-by-new-york-times-after-mocking-reporter-with-disability/?utm_term=˳7ed1cb6de6a9; Holly Yan, “Donald Trump’s ‘Blood’ Comment about Megyn Kelly Draws Outrage,” CNN˳com, August 8, 2015, accessed January 4, 2017, http://edition˳cnn˳com/2015/08/08/politics/donald-trump-cnn-megyn-kelly-comment/; Ben Schreckinger, “Trump Attacks McCain: ‘I Like People Who Weren’t Captured,” Politico, July 19, 2015, accessed January 4, 2017, www˳politico˳com/story/2015/07/trump-attacks-mccain-i-like-people-who-werent-captured-120317˳

xl Editorial Board, ‘Why Donald Trump Should Not Be President,’ New York Times, September 25, 2016, accessed January 4, 2017, www˳nytimes˳com/2016/09/26/opinion/why-donald-trump-should-not-be-president˳html˳

xli For more on the early history of the so-called birther issue, see Ben Smith & Byron Tau, “Birtherism: Where It All Began,” Politico, April 24, 2011, accessed January 4, 2017, www˳politico˳com/story/2011/04/birtherism-where-it-all-began-053563?o=0˳

xlii Fraser 2016, 221-222˳

xliii Michael Kazin, “From Hubris to Despair: George W˳ Bush and the Conservative Movement,” in The Presidency of George W˳ Bush: A First Historical Assessment, ed˳ Julian E˳ Zelizer (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2010), 292˳

xliv Ronald P˳ Formisano, The Tea Party: A Brief History (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2012), 28-31˳

xlv Jill Lepore, The Whites of Their Eyes: The Tea Party’s Revolution and the Battle over American History (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2010), 37˳

xlvi Lepore 2010, 43˳

xlvii Carter 1996, 119˳

xlviii Carter 1996, 118-120˳

xlix Robert O˳ Self, “The Reagan Devolution: Movement Conservatives and the Right’s Days of Rage, 1988-1994,” in Recapturing the Oval Office: New Historical Approaches to the American Presidency, eds˳ Brian Balogh & Bruce J˳ Schulman (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2015), 88˳

l Nicole Hemmer, Messengers of the Right: Conservative Media and the Transformation of American Politics (Philadelphia: University of Philadelphia Press, 2016), 264-265˳

li Hemmer 2016, xiii˳

lii Kathleen Hall Jamieson & Joseph N˳ Cappella, Echo Chamber: Rush Limbaugh and the Conservative Media Establishment (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008), 105-125˳

liii Hemmer 2016, 272˳

liv Mike Allen, “Steele to Rush: I’m Sorry,” Politico, March 2, 2009, accessed January 4, 2017, www˳politico˳com/story/2009/03/steele-to-rush-im-sorry-019517˳

lv Full Frontal with Samantha Bee, TBS, December 19, 2016, accessed January 4, 2017, www˳youtube˳com/watch?v=wuSDfVRGI54˳

lvi Jamieson & Cappella 2010, 79; Hemmer 2016, 264˳

lvii Kazin 1995, 239˳

lviii Carter 2000, 9˳

lix Eliza Collins, “Les Moonves: Trump’s Run is ‘Damn Good for CBS,’” Politico, February 29, 2016, accessed January 4, 2017, www˳politico˳com/blogs/on-media/2016/02/les-moonves-trump-cbs-220001˳

lx Hadas Gold, “Jeff Zucker Has No Regrets,” Politico, October 14, 2016, accessed January 4, 2017, www˳politico˳com/blogs/on-media/2016/10/jeff-zucker-cnn-no-regrets-229820˳

lxi The press and the media are bodies employing multitudes of people, of course˳ Any reference to the press and the media is bound to be generalizing˳ Several reporters exhibited integrity and produced excellent work with the highest journalistic standards˳

lxii Maggie Haberman, “Donald Trump, in Upstate New York, Tries another Label for Hillary Clinton,” New York Times, April 16, 2016, accessed January 4, 2017, www˳nytimes˳com/politics/first-draft/2016/04/16/donald-trump-in-upstate-new-york-tries-another-label-for-hillary-clinton˳

lxiii Hanna Krueger, Kate Hardiman, & Caroline Kelly, “Trump’s Most Notable Insults,” The Hill, July 26, 2015, accessed January 4, 2017, http://thehill˳com/blogs/ballot-box/249102-trumps-most-notable-insults˳ Tessa Stuart, “Donald Trump’s Meanest Twitter Insults,” Rolling Stone, March 10, 2016, accessed January 4, 2017, www˳rollingstone˳com/politics/news/donald-trumps-favorite-twitter-insults-20160310˳ Eliza Collins, “Top 5 Insults Donald Trump has Used on Twitter,” USA Today, September 21, 2016, accessed January 4, 2017, www˳usatoday˳com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2016/09/21/top-5-insults-donald-trump-has-used-twitter/90797666/˳ Ryan Teague Beckwith, “19 Republicans Donald Trump Has Insulted,” Time, July 17, 2015, accessed January 4, 2017, http://time˳com/3951697/donald-trump-republicans/˳

lxiv Chris Wilson & Samuel P˳ Jacobs, “Donald Trump Insult Generator,” Time, July 21, 2015, accessed January 4, 2017, http://time˳com/3966291/donald-trump-insult-generator˳

lxv ABC News, February 29, 2016, accessed January 4, 2017, http://abcnews˳go˳com/Politics/video/marco-rubio-mocks-donald-trumps-spray-tan-small-37280875˳

lxvi Graydon Carter, “Steel Traps and Short Fingers,” Vanity Fair, November, 2015, accessed January 4, 2017, www˳vanityfair˳com/culture/2015/10/graydon-carter-donald-trump˳

lxvii Tal Kopan, “Marco Rubio Mocks Donald Trump for ‘Wet’ Pants,” CNN˳com, February 27, 2016, accessed January 4, 2017, http://edition˳cnn˳com/2016/02/26/politics/marco-rubio-attacks-donald-trump-wet-pants˳

lxviii Anderson Cooper 360ᵒ, CNN, March 9, 2016˳

lxix Jeremy W˳ Peters & Ashley Parker, “On the Campaign Trail: G˳O˳P˳ Race Grows Cruder and More Aggressive,” New York Times, February 28, 2016, accessed January 4, 2017, www˳nytimes˳com/2016/02/29/us/politics/what-led-marco-rubio-to-join-in-a-battle-of-taunts˳html˳

lxx Ed O’Keefe, Robert Costa, & Paul Kane, “Some Supporters of Rubio Say Bad Strategy, Poorly Run Campaign Killing His Chances,” Washington Post, March 6, 2016, accessed January 4, 2017, www˳washingtonpost˳com/politics/bad-strategy-poorly-run-campaign-are-killing-marco-rubios-chances/2016/03/06/d9a77e54-e246-11e5-846c-10191d1fc4ec_story˳html˳

lxxi Timothy P˳ Carney, “With Penis Jokes and Spray-Tan Riffs, Rubio Gets in the Mud with Trump,” Washington Examiner, February 28, 2016, accessed January 4, 2017, www˳washingtonexaminer˳com/with-penis-jokes-and-spray-tan-riffs-rubio-gets-in-the-mud-with-trump/article/2584485˳

lxxii Ed O’Keefe & Dave Weigel, “Spray Tans, Pants-Wetting and Little Hands: The GOP Race Goes in the Gutter,” Washington Post, February 29, 2016, accessed January 4, 2017, www˳washingtonpost˳com/politics/spray-tans-soiled-pants-and-little-hands-the-gop-race-goes-in-the-gutter/2016/02/29/176e4d04-de3b-11e5-8d98-4b3d9215ade1_story˳html˳

lxxiii Peters & Parker, 2016˳

lxxiv “Marco Rubio Regrets Insulting Donald Trump,” Newsweek, March 10, 2016, accessed January 4, 2017, http://europe˳newsweek˳com/marco-rubio-regrets-insulting-donald-trump-435353?rm=eu˳

lxxv David Wright, Tal Kopan, & Julia Manchester, “Cruz Unloads with Epic Takedown of ‘Pathological Liar,’ ‘Narcissist’ Donald Trump,” CNN˳com, May 3, 2016, accessed January 4, 2017, http://edition˳cnn˳com/2016/05/03/politics/donald-trump-rafael-cruz-indiana˳

lxxvi Ashley Parker, “Elizabeth Warren Emerges to Attack Donald Trump on Twitter,” New York Times, May 9, 2016, accessed January 4, 2017, www˳nytimes˳com/2016/05/10/us/politics/elizabeth-warren-donald-trump˳html˳

lxxvii Lisa Lerer & Catherine Lucey, “Clinton Shrugs, Sees Benefits in Trump’s Personal Attacks,” Associated Press, May 22, 2016, accessed January 4, 2017, http://bigstory˳ap˳org/article/7988e08a5fbb407ab730a571c8d827a0/clinton-shrugs-sees-benefits-trumps-personal-attacks˳

lxxviii Robin Abcarian, “Michelle Obama’s Stunning Convention Speech: ‘When They Go Low, We Go High,’” Los Angeles Times, July 25, 2016, accessed January 4, 2017, www˳latimes˳com/politics/la-na-pol-michelle-speech-20160725-snap-story˳html˳

lxxix Mitt Romney, ‘Speech at the University of Utah,’ March 3, 2016˳

lxxx Yoursih, Buchanan, & Parlapiano, 2016˳

lxxxi Jasmine C˳ Lee & Kevin Quealy, “The 289 People, Places and Things Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List,” New York Times, December 6, 2016, accessed January 4, 2017, www˳nytimes˳com/interactive/2016/01/28/upshot/donald-trump-twitter-insults˳html˳ The printed list appeared on October 24, 2016, covering two full pages˳˳

lxxxii Pema Levy & Will Greenberg, “A Running Tally of Newspaper Endorsements in the Presidential Election,” Mother Jones, October 5, 2016, accessed January 4, 2017, www˳motherjones˳com/politics/2016/09/clinton-trump-newspaper-endorsements˳

lxxxiii Editorial Board, “Enquirer: It Has to Be Hillary Clinton,” Cincinnati Enquirer, September 23, 2016, accessed January 4, 2017, www˳cincinnati˳com/story/opinion/editorials/2016/09/23/enquirer-endorses-hillary-clinton-donald-trump/90728344˳

lxxxiv Editorial Board, “Endorsement: Hillary Clinton is the Only Choice to Move America Ahead,” The Arizona Republic, October 17, 2016, accessed January 4, 2017, www˳azcentral˳com/story/opinion/editorial/2016/09/27/hillary-clinton-endorsement/91198668/?hootPostID=db6505fe2a927e275e937c86d366d5d4˳

lxxxv Editorial Board, “We Recommend Hillary Clinton for President,” Dallas Morning News, September 7, 2016, accessed January 4, 2017, www˳dallasnews˳com/opinion/editorials/2016/09/07/recommend-hillary-clinton-us-president˳

lxxxvi Editorial Board, “USA TODAY’s Editorial Board: Trump Is ‘Unfit for the Presidency,’” USA Today, September 30, 2016, accessed January 4, 2017, www˳usatoday˳com/story/opinion/2016/09/29/dont-vote-for-donald-trump-editorial-board-editorials-debates/91295020˳

lxxxvii Monica Langley & Gerard Baker, “Donald Trump, in Exclusive Interview, Tells WSJ He Is Willing to Keep Parts of Obama Health Law,” Wall Street Journal, November 11, 2016, accessed January 4, 2017, www˳wsj˳com/articles/donald-trump-willing-to-keep-parts-of-health-law-1478895339˳

lxxxviii Bloomberg Politics National Poll, August 5-6, 2016, accessed January 4, 2017, https://assets˳bwbx˳io/documents/users/iqjWHBFdfxIU/rAjnCYJjgvBw/v0˳

lxxxix Lynn Vavreck, “Insults and Ads: How Gender Hurts Trump But Doesn’t Lift Clinton,” New York Times, April 30, 2016, accessed January 4, 2017, www˳nytimes˳com/2016/05/01/upshot/insults-and-ads-how-gender-hurts-trump-but-doesnt-lift-clinton˳html˳

xc Nolan D˳ McCaskill, “Poll: Trump’s Transition Has Lowest Approval Rating in Decades,” Politico, December 14, 2016, accessed January 4, 2017, www˳politico˳com/story/2016/12/poll-trump-transition-approval-rating-232623˳

xci Donald Trump, Press Conference in New York City, January 11, 2017˳

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