Home News Instant Teleseminar – What Is It?

Instant Teleseminar – What Is It?

Instant Teleseminar - What Is It?

In every business, marketing is a key component to increasing your customer base and making more sales˳ The goal with online marketing is to capture the attention of the maximum amount of customers and inform them how your business can be a value to them˳ There are many options available to do that˳ Teleseminars are the cousins to webcast and webinars˳ The teleseminar experience is a live event that offers customers a more interactive connection while still in an online environment˳ Instant Teleseminar takes the old way of teleseminars and modernizes it to maximize not only the businesses experience but also the customer’s experience˳

So, for anyone who has hosted a previous teleseminar, you know that it is more than just a production˳ There is a lot of planning involved before your event and follow through with sales and possible new leads˳ There are also so many important facts within the attendees˳ Who attends? What is the average time they view? At which point did they stop watching? This is critical information that tells you if your presentation had enough appeal and who exactly was appealed to it (your target market)˳ It also signifies the high and low points throughout the presentation itself˳

Instant Teleseminars were created to be “high touch” Teleseminar and Webinar Marketing Systems˳ What this means is that it is designed to help businesses through the entire process of creating, host, and following through˳


Instant Teleseminars create a personalized event page that promotes your event and prepares you audience˳ On this customized page, you can collect questions from prospects to help you outline your presentation agenda˳ This page also gives your guest the option to print a reminder notice with your tune in information˳ You can also preview Power Point slides before you present them to your audience˳


Instant Teleseminar provides interaction by phone and through web based controls˳ This feature allows your business to know who is on each call and the ability to dial out to a missing guest˳ There are useful features as well, such as the capability for guests to raise their hands to ask questions online˳ One feature that goes beyond the average teleseminar is the take action feature˳ This allows you to choose the perfect time to push that “take action” button giving your viewers an opt-in form to purchase either that first product from you or even that big ticket item˳

Follow Through

With Instant Teleseminars you can review stats after your productions to evaluate the highlight and low points during your presentation˳ This gives your business the information for adjustments that you can make on future teleseminars˳ Also, a full call list is provided to you with the names of all callers but also their locations and contact information˳ This shows you demographically where interest in your business is peaked˳ Lastly, and maybe the most importantly, is the call number˳ This tells you how many people you reached throughout the event˳

Businesses can benefit by using tools and resources available to them, such as Instant Teleseminars˳ It takes the guess work out of all the effort that goes into, and comes out of, a well-organized production˳ The point of making teleseminars is to reach your maximum potential, make larger sales and grow your prospects list˳ Why not achieve this through an all-inclusive program designed to assist you through this process?

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Instant-Teleseminar—What-Is-It?&id=8328536

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