Home News It’s Time to Get On-Page SEO

It’s Time to Get On-Page SEO

It's Time to Get On-Page SEO

If you’ve hired a mechanic to work on your car, you first give the technician your keys˳ If you’ve hired an SEO agency to increase your online presence, you should first give your new SEO professional the login to make edits to your website˳ Why? Google’s algorithm and its continual changes indicate that the on-page content and structure of your website is essential for gaining a share in the online marketplace˳

SEO boils down to on-site and off-site strategies˳ Surveys show that SEO experts find on-page strategies are the most effective strategies for SEO˳ These on-page strategies include, but are not limited to:

  • New content development
  • Content optimizations (ensuring the proper keywords are in your content)
  • Title tag optimizations (the tag that tells Google the primary purpose of your page)
  • XML sitemap and meta data optimization

The most effective off-site strategy – link building – still requires an SEO-minded on-site strategy to work˳ Here are a few reasons why all of SEO can be seen as circling back to on-page and on-site optimizations:

A Platform to Speak to Google

Remember that content is king˳ Google needs to know what you stand for, what you’re about˳ That’s why all of your best content should go on your site first, then be distributed or marketed through social media, social bookmarks, content syndication services and other content channels˳ This sends a clear message that you own the content and associates it to your brand˳ To avoid duplicate content issues, try setting up a cross-domain rel=canonical tag to let Google know the version on your site is the original˳

Google wants to be able to easily crawl and understand what’s on your site˳ That’s why your site’s structure should map to the potential keyword categories and sub-categories that are important to your business˳ Make sure to use the right keywords in a way that Google can understand what your pages are about˳ Messy or overbearing HTML code can be a stumbling block for otherwise SEO-friendly websites˳

A Foundation for Links

There’s no link building without the right content˳ And the more diverse and better your content, the more natural links you’ll earn˳ If you’re trying to build links that are white-hat, it will be difficult to do so without the right information architecture that addresses all of the possible questions your customers could have at different stages in the conversion funnel˳ It’s essential that linking is done with a strategy that makes sense˳ Building links to your homepage isn’t natural if you’re bringing the user to a page that doesn’t answer the question they were expecting to have answered˳ So, if you’re trying to rank for “link earning,” make sure to have a main page about link earning and then sub-pages that address long tail queries or keywords around the head term˳

Off-Page Keywords Are Just That – Keywords Not on Your Site

The most recent Google algorithm update, Penguin 2˳0, devalued the importance of exact match anchor text (hyperlink text with exact keyword phrases that point to your site)˳ In fact, websites received a penalty if they had too many exact match links˳ What does this tell us? Google cares more about the keywords that are on your site versus the keywords that are on others’ sites pointing to yours˳ Linking should be primarily about usefulness˳ Does the link point the user to a relevant destination URL based on the context of the article and the hyperlink text?

With the unpredictability of Google’s linking algorithm updates, relevant on-page content is the most sustainable strategy for SEO˳ Off-site strategies put the power of those changes in others’ hands˳ Of course, off-site strategies are essential for community and interactive algorithm signals, which are important to Google˳ But those interactions in the community are likely to be more positive and more frequent if you’ve got the on-page content that prompts discussion – content that shows you’re a real leader in your industry˳ After all, to the online customer, your website is your resume˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Its-Time-to-Get-On-Page-SEO&id=8515709

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