Home News Job Search 101 – Notorious Blunders & Errors You Can Avoid

Job Search 101 – Notorious Blunders & Errors You Can Avoid

Job Search 101 - Notorious Blunders & Errors You Can Avoid

Your job search is serious business˳ For many it is one of the most stressful and unrewarding experiences˳ To make life easier, we are going to focus on eliminating the unproductive activities˳ As a result of knowing what is truly not working, you can now focus on what does work instead˳ When you are stuck at a dead end job, have a bad boss or just need employment again quick this will be most enlightening˳ Let’s face facts folks often addition by subtraction is the solution we all need˳ Avoid the following mistakes, errors and blunders˳ Spend your time, and effort focusing on getting interviews˳

– Leaving your resume in the copy/fax machine at current job, so your current boss gets it˳

– Leaving your cover letters in the fax at work so your boss can find it˳

– Posting your resume on the internet so your employer can find it with your name on it!

– Responding to blind employment ads/fake/suspicious employment ads˳ See above˳

– Disclosing your SS# & DOB to unconfirmed/suspicious sites, especially as a result of an email˳

– Think about using a pro resume writer for your resumes and cover letters if yours is merely average˳

– Not adding “do not contact current employer” on the application, Use April 2002 – Present on resume if currently employed so clericals know not to verify this employer˳

– Emphasizing self employment success – proving you don’t need a job or won’t stay long ever!

– Unflattering Google search results on your name˳ Also check Blogs, MySpace, Facebook, LinkedIn˳

– Most pro resume services offer free objective resume reviews, why not take advantage of this?

– Don’t forget all the free research done for you on job hunting in online job hunting info articles˳

– Don’t show hatred or dislike of your previous employers in interviews˳

– Don’t wait till you are unemployed to build and maintain your network of connections˳

– Don’t forget about powerful free job searching and networking tools on LinkedIn˳

– Don’t hesitate to use quality professional recruiters and job search coaches as your allies˳

– Don’t forget to keep focused on the positive˳ Your attitude is easily read by others˳

– Do swim with the current, always follow the mega-trends˳ If the mortgage industry is dead˳ Slide into the insurance business and take advantage of the clientele you have built up over the years˳

– Yes, stay flexible, changeable and adaptable˳ You may have to relocate to a better job market˳

– Take advantage of telecommuting programs now widely available at many employers˳

– Forget about lying – education can and will be verified, jobs, credit, reputation etc…

– Only use job postings for less than half your job search time if that˳ Be pro-active instead˳

– Don’t reveal all your weaknesses in interviews either˳ It is okay to say I left for personal reasons˳

– Never use your work email for job hunting communication, even if they say it is private˳ It is not˳

– Use Twitter only as if your boss was always included in the conversation, if you want to keep your job˳

– Always keep a job hunting log to track your results and make follow up a lot easier˳

Maybe you have lost weeks or months to a mistake˳ Then start your addition by subtraction right away˳ Don’t listen to the media talking about layoffs, outsourcing and more layoffs˳ Turn off the boob tube and any other sources of bad news, and start focusing on getting hired, positive interviews and results instead˳ It is amazing how powerful your subconscious mind is when peace and tranquility is restored˳ The answers to all your challenges will just come to you, simply by asking yourself questions˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Job-Search-101—Notorious-Blunders-and-Errors-You-Can-Avoid&id=2268196

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