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Married for 6 years but never had sex

Married for 6 years but never had sex

Although she has been married for 6 years, but Ms˳ H˳ (32 years old, Hanoi) has never had sex˳ Doctors diagnosed her with a rare sexual disorder called vaginismus syndrome˳

Married for 6 years but never had sex - Photo 1.

Doctor Ngoc examines a patient – Illustration: BVCC

On June 16, the Hanoi Hospital for Male Studies and Infertility announced that it had just received a female patient who came to the hospital for examination due to problems in the sex relationship between husband and wife˳

Ms˳ H˳ shared that she had never had sex despite being married for many years, leading to the inability to have children˳

“Every time my husband touches the ‘private area’, I have muscle spasms, sharp pain in the vaginal area, making it impossible to have sex˳ Despite trying to relieve my mind, applying many measures, but during the past 6 years, my love My condition does not improve˳ I want to inject sperm into the uterus (IUI) so that I can find motherhood,” said Ms˳ H˳˳

According to Dr˳ Pham Minh Ngoc – deputy director of the Center for Sex Medicine, Hanoi Hospital of Andrology and Infertility, Ms˳ H˳ has a rare female sexual disorder known as vaginal spasms (Vaginismus)˳

According to Dr˳ Ngoc, Vaginismus, or vaginal spasm, is a condition in which the patient’s pelvic muscles contract involuntarily, preventing any movement into the vagina˳

“Once the patient’s problem was diagnosed, instead of taking interventions to get pregnant, we treated the vaginal spasm syndrome with the hope that Ms˳ H˳ could get pregnant naturally˳ After After 3 sessions of psychological consultation and therapy, the patient’s condition improved positively,” said Dr˳ Ngoc˳

Doctor Ngoc said that vaginal spasm syndrome is one of the rare female sexual disorders˳ The cause is mainly psychological, in addition, it can be caused by endocrine, trauma, surgery …

In other cases, it may be because the patient is obsessed with the first sexual experience, which is too rough, leading to psychological fear for the next sexual intercourse˳

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The manifestation of vaginismus syndrome is that the patient cannot control the ability to contract and relax the pelvic muscles, but the contraction reflex appears unintentionally˳

In addition, the patient is very scared, anxious, or recoils, arches his back, and avoids when preparing for examination˳

In order to effectively treat these cases, Dr˳ Ngoc said that it is necessary to understand the patient’s problem, thereby individualizing treatment˳ In many cases, a combination of treatment methods such as psychotherapy, sex therapy and medication is required˳

“Most patients with sexual problems are afraid to go to the doctor, only silently suffer, making the situation worse, with consequences for both their reproduction and sex life, and even their marriage life˳ couples˳

In the case of sexual problems, couples need to discuss and share frankly with each other˳ If there is an abnormality that cannot be self-resolved, it is necessary to go to specialized medical facilities for examination and treatment, “doctor Ngoc recommended˳

Worrying enough about sex, the culprit causing premature ejaculationWorrying enough about sex, the culprit causing premature ejaculation

Men who have early sexual experiences, anxiety about sexual behavior, quick sex, and stress during sex have an increased risk of premature ejaculation˳

Source link: https://cocc˳edu˳vn/ket-hon-6-nam-nhung-chua-quan-he-tinh-duc-duoc-lan-nao-20230616090446248˳htm

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