Home News Learn Italian in Your Hometown

Learn Italian in Your Hometown

Learn Italian in Your Hometown

Are you interested in learning the Italian language right in your own hometown? There are several options that you can explore to find the Italian classes that are just perfect for you! First, you should consider whether you would you enjoy the interaction that takes place among students in group classes, or if you would prefer the one-on-one attention of a private instructor˳

1˳ Group classes at community colleges: One way to learn Italian in your hometown is to find a community college that offers Italian classes in your area˳ The internet can be an invaluable resource and with a few clicks of the mouse you can identify exactly where there are Italian language courses available˳ For example, if you live in the U˳S˳ you can go to http://www˳community-college˳org, where you will find a complete directory of all of the community colleges throughout the country˳ Many of them offer evening or even online classes! Simply pick the college or colleges that can be found near you and check out their curriculum˳

2˳ Group classes at a private school or institution: Another approach would be to find an independent language school where you can take group lessons˳ Do you have a Berlitz near you? How about an Inlingua Center? A great way to find the best schools in your area is to talk with people in the Italian community where you live! Many Italian communities even have websites that link to valuable resources˳ For example, you can find out about the Italian community in Washington, DC at [http://www˳italcultusa˳org], in New York at http://www˳italcultny˳org, in Chicago at [http://www˳iicch˳org], in Los Angeles at http://www˳iicusa˳org or in San Francisco at http://www˳sfiic˳org˳ You can find an Italian community near you simply by going to http://www˳google˳com and typing in “Italian community in (Your Hometown)˳”

3˳ Private lessons: Not convinced that college classes or group lessons are for you? While group classes are more interactive and dynamic, you get less of the teacher’s attention˳ So, how about taking private classes? There are many ways to find a good instructor˳ For example, you could post a free “in search of Italian instructor” ad at Craigslist – http://www˳craigslist˳org – if you live in an area that the site serves˳ Or, you could place an ad for free in a local newspaper or journal˳

Italians take great pride in teaching their native language to non-native speakers, so simply by reaching out and asking questions, you are sure to find plenty of good advice and helpful people˳ Buon divertimento!

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Learn-Italian-in-Your-Hometown&id=36386

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