Home Health Bring many diseases because you like nose drops

Bring many diseases because you like nose drops

Bring many diseases because you like nose drops

Nasal spray makes the airways open and comfortable, so many people use nasal drops for a long time, causing damage to the nasal mucosa, rhinitis, sinusitis, otitis media, bronchi, lungs …, there are even risk for cardiovascular disease, blood pressure and intelligence˳

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Dinh endoscopic ear, nose and throat for patients - Photo: HA LINH

Assoc˳ Prof˳ Dr˳ Nguyen Thi Ngoc Dinh endoscopic ear, nose and throat for patients – Photo: HA LINH

Hearing loss, sinusitis due to many nasal drops

A 10-year-old patient weighing 56kg recently went to the doctor because of loss of nose function and hearing loss˳ My mother told me that I often get stuffy nose when the weather changes˳

Being told by an acquaintance, the family bought N˳ brand-name nasal drops for him˳ At first, he was breathing very well but then without medicine, his nose could not breathe even though he had VA and tonsillectomy˳

According to information from his family, for more than 1 year, he has used hundreds of medicine bottles˳ The doctor said that not only was her nose damaged, but she had complications from sinusitis, ear infections, and affected blood pressure and weight from taking too many drugs˳

Mr˳ Pham Van N˳ (32 years old, Bac Ninh) went to the doctor with a stuffy nose, hearing loss, headache and high blood pressure˳ The doctor diagnosed him with too much nasal spray with vasoconstrictor effect˳

Assoc˳ Prof˳ Dr˳ Nguyen Thi Ngoc Dinh, former director of the Central Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital, said that recently, she has examined a few people every day with complications caused by prolonged use of nasal drops, usually drugs˳ have vasoconstrictor effects such as E˳, P˳, N˳, O…

Most patients self-medicate or use old prescriptions for periods ranging from months to years˳

“These drugs have vasoconstrictor effects, when instilled or sprayed into the nose, the drug has the effect of constricting blood vessels in the nasal mucosa, reducing congestion, making the nose open and easy to breathe, so many people have voluntarily come to this drug˳ this medicine” – Assoc˳Prof˳Dr Dinh emphasized˳

However, if used regularly and for a long time, it not only leads to drug dependence, but also causes the nasal tip to expand continuously, no longer shrink, causing the rhinitis˳ In that case, it is necessary to have surgery to burn the lower nasopharynx with electricity or laser, and to remove the lower nasopharynx partially or completely to get results˳

In particular, when the nose is inflamed, the patient must breathe through the mouth, the inhaled air will not be filtered, warmed and humidified, which is easy to cause pharyngitis and laryngitis, bronchitis and lung inflammation˳

Moreover, if the nose is not clear, it will affect sleep, rest, and reduce work performance˳ In addition, prolonged use of vasoconstrictor drugs also leads to obesity, affecting the heart, especially high blood pressure, sinusitis, otitis media, headaches and affecting intelligence…

To avoid complications, it is necessary to use the right medicine

Assoc˳Prof˳Dr Dinh warned that many children have been poisoned and even died from using it Many nasal drops have a vasoconstrictor effect˳
Poisoning often occurs in children under 3 years old (accounting for 90%) due to small overdose and incorrect indications˳ Pediatric patients are usually hospitalized 30 minutes to 6 hours after using the drug, with symptoms of lethargy, coma, loss of reflexes, depression of the respiratory center…
Therefore, to avoid poisoning complications, this medicine should not be given to children under 7 years of age˳ In addition, parents should not self-medicate for treatment˳

According to Mrs˳ Dinh, stuffy nose and runny nose in children often happen in the cold season or when the weather changes˳ Causes can be acute rhinitis, vasomotor rhinitis, allergic rhinitis, atrophic rhinitis, deviated septum, tumor in the nose, trauma…

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When a child has a runny nose, stuffy nose, in addition to finding the causes for treatment, parents need to put topical drops on the child’s nose to dry the nose and breathe properly˳ There are many types of nasal drops, nasal sprays on the market, parents need to be very careful when using it for children˳ In fact, when a child has a stuffy nose, doctors often prescribe some medicine˳

The drug works very quickly, so it is “trusted” by mothers and easily leads to abuse˳ Currently, the abuse of vasoconstrictor drugs is increasing due to unknown effects and harms˳

The active vasoconstrictor is xylometazoline 0˳05% – 0˳1%˳ This is only a temporary medicine to relieve nasal congestion, temporarily relieve symptoms of discomfort, has a supportive effect, not a cure, does not solve the root cause of the disease˳ Long-term use of this medicine can damage the nasal mucosa, causing drug-induced rhinitis˳

Therefore, when having a stuffy nose, it is necessary to determine the cause, should go to an otolaryngologist to be examined and determine the disease, avoid prolonged illness, absolutely do not arbitrarily use vasoconstrictor drugs for children˳

To clean to help clear the nose and return to normal, it can be used regularly: physiological saline, sea water in the form of mist has the effect of rinsing the nose, making the nasal secretions thin and helping the nasal mucosa to return to a state of normal˳ normal… without harm˳

How to use nose drops and nasal spray

Giving medication into the nose as a nasal solution or as a spray (a mist) is a local treatment and prevention˳

Physiological saline spray is a supportive measure in the treatment of chronic rhinosinusitis, prolonged nasal discharge in children, after endoscopic sinus surgery…, and at the same time it is also a preventive measure, protecting protect the nose˳

What kind of nasal drops should children use?What kind of nasal drops should children use?

Recently, a 6-year-old girl was brought by her family to the emergency department of Can Tho Children’s Hospital in a state of fatigue and arrhythmia˳ Before that, the child had an acute sore throat, was given oral and nasal drops, after using the nasal drops, he complained of fatigue and was taken to the emergency room˳

Source link: https://cocc˳edu˳vn/mang-nhieu-benh-vi-thich-thuoc-nho-mui-20230628060030451˳htm

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