Home Health Men take on the role of… contraception

Men take on the role of… contraception

Men take on the role of... contraception

Until now, many people were only interested in female contraception, but men also have many different safe methods of contraception˳

Men take the role of... contraception - Photo 1.

Birth control pills for men add options for couples who want a fertility plan under research – Illustration˳ Source: nytimes˳com

Various methods of contraception for men

Doctor Ha Ngoc Manh – head of the department of andrology – Vietnam Belgian Hospital of Infertility – said that many couples, when they have given birth to 2-3 children, often go to the hospital to find birth control methods for women˳ male˳

In an increasingly modern society, contraception for both men and women has been improved without affecting sex life˳

Currently, men can use contraceptive methods such as using condoms, vasectomy, external ejaculation, no ejaculation …

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However, external ejaculation or no ejaculation is not highly effective˳

In contrast, a vasectomy or condom use can be highly effective˳

Doctors from Tu Du Hospital (HCMC) added that the vas deferens is very small (2mm in diameter, 0˳5mm in diameter) located in the spermatic cord, which can be palpable in the lower and outer parts of the base of the penis˳ ˳

The vas deferens are responsible for carrying sperm from the testicles into the seminal vesicles, which are ejaculated during intercourse to enter the female reproductive tract˳

A vasectomy is a procedure that blocks the passage of sperm, making it impossible to conceive because sperm cannot reach an egg˳

This is the most effective method of all modern contraceptive methods˳ The failure rate is about 0˳02-0˳2%, which means that out of every 1,000 men who have a vasectomy, only 2 will fail at most˳

Vasectomy to prevent pregnancy does not affect sex

Manh added, after having a vasectomy, men can still reach orgasm and ejaculate normally during sexual intercourse˳ Only a small fraction of the semen produced by the vas deferens on the testis side is not ejaculated˳

The amount of semen produced by the upper part of the vas deferens, seminal vesicles, and prostate gland is still produced and stored in the seminal vesicles˳ Therefore, a person who has had a vasectomy still has ejaculation when reaching orgasm, but only dilute semen without sperm˳

In case after a vasectomy but still want to have children, doctors can use a very simple procedure so that men can still have children˳

“A vasectomy is a safe procedure, has few complications and does not affect the sexual desire, excitement, and erection problems in the couple’s sexual activity˳

Men can have a vasectomy when they have had enough children and their health is completely normal,” added Dr˳

However, some men need to be cautious before performing vasectomy when they have problems with acute or chronic infections of the genital organs, varicocele, testicular trauma, etc˳

Besides, vasectomy will limit some complications of urinary tract infections in the testicles˳

Dr˳ Manh recommends that people who want to find contraception in men need to seek medical facilities with ornithology, skilled and licensed doctors to ensure safety˳

Readers who have questions about adult and child health, nutrition, vaccinations, injuries, etc˳, please send an email to the mailbox˳ suckhoe@tuoitre˳com˳vn (For exact content, readers please type accented Vietnamese)˳ The FAQ section with a doctor will select and help you answer˳

Long-term contraceptive technique for menLong-term contraceptive technique for men

Chinese scientists have developed a long-lasting, non-invasive male contraceptive technique˳

Source link: https://cocc˳edu˳vn/nam-gioi-nhan-vai-tro-tranh-thai-20230217155546982˳htm

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