Home News Money Making Ideas – How to Make Money With YouTube

Money Making Ideas – How to Make Money With YouTube

Money Making Ideas - How to Make Money With YouTube

I’m sure it’s no surprise to you that video is hot! People love to relax or learn from a video˳ If you produce a video about a topic, you’ll probably get many more views than if you wrote an article about it˳

So, why not use this to your advantage and make some money from videos? There are many ways to do so˳

Promote Affiliate Products

One of the ways in which you can make money with YouTube, is to find an affiliate product to promote, and then do it through videos˳

You can either take one of the products you already use and like, and check to see if the company behind it offers an affiliate program˳ Or you can go to an affiliate portal like ClickBank, and search their market place for one that fits the bill˳

When you’ve found a good product, you can make a small video, showing yourself actually purchasing it˳ People are not very likely to buy something that you wouldn’t dream about buying yourself˳ Therefore, by showing proof of your action, you make them more likely to follow in your foot steps˳

You could also do a video of the results you’ve obtained from this particular product˳ Is it about making gold in World of Warcraft? Then show your acquired wealth in a video˳ Is it about having a nice skin without acne? Then let’s see your pretty face˳

How to Link to the Affiliate Product

When you submit the video to YouTube, you should make the first word in the description your affiliate link˳

Use a link-shortener like bit˳ly to shorten the link˳ This style of link looks much better than a long link with strange characters in it like productsite˳com/?e=your @email˳com or something similar˳ After this link, you should write a short and appealing description of your video, or the product itself˳

The ideal solution is to also put the link inside the video as a watermark˳ That way, even if people embed your video on another site, your affiliate link will still be shown to the public˳

Make Video Comments

You can use your videos as stand-alone videos, or you can use them as video comments to other popular videos about your topic˳

This could also be done with no other means than a simple webcam˳ Just sit there, and voice your comments regarding the original video˳ Then add your affiliate link to the description of your comment˳ In this way you can, in fact, piggyback on other people’s success, and receive your share of their views˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Money-Making-Ideas—How-to-Make-Money-With-YouTube&id=3996378

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