Home News Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle Accidents

The number of motorcycle enthusiasts has increased in recent years˳ One possible reason for the increase is the need for economical transportation˳ Regardless of the reason, every year there are riders who are venturing out for the first time˳ New Jersey like most other states has a mandatory helmet law˳ In addition, there is state funded rider education available to every rider˳ New motorcycles include more designed safety features, technologies for helmets and other safety gear has improved, there are many resources for rider training, and the state has enacted laws and provides resources to help keep riders safe˳ But accidents still happen˳

The hazards that motorcyclists face are the same as other vehicles with some additions that are unique or amplified because of their size and being a two wheeled vehicle˳ Many motorcycle accidents are one vehicle accidents that are caused or complicated by speed, road conditions or weather˳ Motorcycle accidents that involve a collision with a car, truck or bus can have serious consequences for the rider because of the limited protection afforded by a two wheeled vehicle˳

Visibility is a significant factor in many motorcycle accidents involving other vehicles˳ Many drivers of autos who have just had an accident involving one state that they did not see the motorcycle˳ No matter what effort is made by the rider to make them and their bike more visible the size difference creates a challenge for drivers who are making decisions in traffic based on a quick glance looking for a hazard˳ Unless a driver is specifically thinking about looking for a smaller conflict (motorcycle, bicycle, pedestrian) they can easily miss their presence when looking for an approaching vehicle˳

There is a lot of information available to motorcycle enthusiasts oriented to maintaining an emphasis on safety˳ Among them are: affinity riding groups, insurance companies, motorcycle dealers, and others that routinely publish information and hold rider safety training events˳ With all of the equipment and resources available a significant part of riders staying safe rests on themselves˳ Knowing the unique hazards and maintaining a vigilant posture that exceeds that of normal drivers can be life saving behaviors for riders˳

Even if a rider does everything that they know to do accidents can still happen˳ Traffic accidents are typically the combination of a number of factors˳ When those factors combine and result in a collision between a motorcycle and an auto, truck or bus the outcome can be very serious for everyone involved especially the rider and passenger of a motorcycle˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Motorcycle-Accidents&id=4784121

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