Home Health Poisoning by trying ‘unique’ specialties of cicadas, pupae, bugs…

Poisoning by trying ‘unique’ specialties of cicadas, pupae, bugs…

Poisoning by trying 'unique' specialties of cicadas, pupae, bugs...

Many cases of hospitalization in critical condition due to trying poisonous and strange foods from insects such as cicadas, pupae, bugs…

Cicadas are a specialty used to cook dishes in some regions - Photo: THU HIEN

Cicadas are a specialty used to cook dishes in some regions – Photo: THU HIEN

Dangerous because of the specialty of cicadas

In the cicada season, many people often look for this insect to make food or drink˳ However, many cases have to be hospitalized because of allergies or poisoning˳

Recently, Tuyen Quang Provincial General Hospital said it had treated a female patient (29 years old, Tuyen Quang) with an allergy to cicadas˳ This female patient has a history of allergy to silkworm pupae, on the evening of May 8, the patient tried eating roasted cicadas with lemon leaves for the first time˳

Because the food was delicious and fleshy, she ate nearly 10 children˳

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After eating, the patient began to appear itchy papules all over the body, accompanied by nausea and vomiting, tachycardia, difficulty breathing … and was transferred to the emergency hospital˳

Fortunately, after three days of active treatment, the patient was stable, less itchy, no longer nauseous and no longer having difficulty breathing˳

Doctor Ma Thi Oanh, Department of Intensive Care and Poison Control, Tuyen Quang Provincial General Hospital, said that some people when eating cicadas may have allergies such as hives, rashes all over the body, but that’s it˳ mild case˳

In severe cases, the patient has symptoms of difficulty breathing, vomiting, convulsions, coma, which can lead to death if not treated promptly˳

Previously, the Central Highlands General Hospital had received emergency treatment of three patients with symptoms of poisoning after eating cicada pupae dug in the ground˳

Specifically, a group of 5 young people went to drink at a restaurant in Dak Lak and ate cicada pupae that a person dug up in his garden and then processed˳

After that, the whole group had symptoms of vomiting and dizziness, of which 3 were seriously ill and had to be hospitalized˳ Through examination, the doctor diagnosed patients with anaphylaxis suspected of eating cicada pupae˳

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People with a history of allergies should be careful

Dr˳ Tran Thien Tai, head of the allergy and clinical immunology unit, Ho Chi Minh City University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital, said that the most common types of insects used for food today are pupae, crickets, cicadas, and locusts˳ rake… is very popular with people, often chosen as a dish˳

However, there have been many cases after eating some of these insects that have been hospitalized for poisoning and allergies˳

For poisoning, insect-derived foods, if not properly preserved and processed, will be transformed and susceptible to invading microorganisms such as Staphylococcus, E˳coli, Salmonella, Campylobacter… or molds˳

With the right conditions, these microorganisms grow and produce toxins, entering the body will cause poisoning˳

One of the factors that increases the current poisoning situation is that many species of insects, including pupae, are sold a lot on the market without clear origin˳

Many types are not tested and properly preserved, or even people find and catch insects in the wild to use, these have many potential risks that affect the health of users˳

In the case of allergies, this is an abnormal overreaction of the immune system, the body produces antibodies to fight off allergens found in insects˳

Clinical symptoms of allergy occur rapidly from a few minutes to a few hours after eating, with manifestations ranging from mild to severe itching, hives, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea˳

Severe level is anaphylaxis including hypotension, collapse, loss of consciousness, coma which, if not promptly treated, will lead to death˳

Dr˳ Thien Tai emphasized that for people with allergies such as having a history of allergies to foods and drugs, the risk of allergies when eating dishes made from insects is higher than the average person, so need special attention˳

In summary, with dishes that are considered “unique” derived from insects, users must be very vigilant because there is a risk of poisoning or a life-threatening allergic reaction˳ “, Doctor Tai recommended˳

Watch out for seafood allergies

Ma Thi Oanh also added that people with food allergies (especially seafood allergies) need to be careful when eating cicadas˳ If you see signs of itching, difficulty breathing, etc˳, you should go to a medical facility for timely examination and treatment by a doctor˳

Invite each other to drink cicada pupae, poisoning the whole groupInvite each other to drink cicada pupae, poisoning the whole group

TTO – 5 friends invited each other to drink, one brought a “specialty” dish of cicadas to drink and all suffered from food poisoning, of which 3 had to be hospitalized˳

Source link: https://cocc˳edu˳vn/ngo-doc-do-thu-dac-san-doc-la-ve-sau-nhong-bo-xit-20230512140201387˳htm

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