Home News Nokia 6210 Navigator – Accessories

Nokia 6210 Navigator – Accessories

Nokia 6210 Navigator - Accessories

Nokia 6210 is equipped with many features such as built-in GPS Receiver with Nokia maps, 3˳15 Mega pixels camera with 8x zoom, video recording complexity, MP3 Media Player, EDGE and 3G HSCPA with connectivity of 3˳6 Mbps, Bluetooth connectivity with 2˳0 version and an A-GPS technology˳ This mobile phone has a micro SD memory slot which offers 8-GB of expandable memory to the maximum and 512 MB micro SD memory slot˳

Set of Accessories Associated With the handset

1˳Car Kit CK-300:- It is a convenient integrated car solution˳ It keeps the handsfree and music player up and working˳

2˳Bluetooth Headset BH-902:-It has a lustrous look and the sound feature is very good and superior˳

3˳4GB microSD Card MU-41:-A user has the storage capacity for pictures, videos and other required data with a removable card˳

General Specifications of Nokia 6210 Navigator

Display Feature: – A stunning display is enabled with a QVGA Screen of 2˳4″˳ Pictures, maps and videos can be displayed˳

Browsing Feature: – Browsing is made quickly with high speed 3˳5* connections˳ Content Downloading, email access and web browsing is made speedy and trustworthy˳

Navigation Feature: – Integrated A-GPS, Nokia maps, car navigation and a compass are present for guidance˳

A Brief Description of the handset

This mobile is available in three colors namely Grey Dusk, Red Sunset and Black˳ It has a ceramic paint with a high gloss surface˳3˳2 Mega Pixel camera has a digital zoom which allows to a maximum of 2048*1536 pixels picture resolution˳ This mobile phone also supports a secondary VGA resolution of 640*480 pixels˳ The still pictures are stored in a JPEG/EXIF Format˳ There is present an integrated Media Player which supports WMA media files, H˳263, H˳264, AAC, AAC+, Enhanced AAC+ MP3 and MP4˳This mobile phone includes WAP 2˳0xHTML Browser, JAVA MIDP 2˳0, Nokia xpress Audio Messaging, IMAP4, POP3 and SMTP protocol˳

The Nokia 6210 Navigator comes with standard 950 mAh BLS-2N battery with a talk time of up to three hours and a standby time of up to two hundred and fifty hours on full charge˳ To sum up the features this phone has a commendable range features consisting of all the prominent categories as Display, Connectivity, Entertainment and much more˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Nokia-6210-Navigator—Accessories&id=1756127

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