Home News One Minute Oracle SAP Database Administrator (DBA): Server Architecture – Database Files

One Minute Oracle SAP Database Administrator (DBA): Server Architecture – Database Files

One Minute Oracle SAP Database Administrator (DBA): Server Architecture - Database Files

Oracle Server Architecture

One of the first things that one needs to understand about the Oracle RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) is the difference between the terms: “database” and the “instance˳” This article will discuss the term “database˳” Briefly, the term database, refers only to the physical files on the operating system˳

The Oracle Database

An Oracle database (as opposed to an Oracle instance, which are processes in memory) is a group of files that reside on the physical hardware disk drives and actually store the data˳ These files consist of:

  • Data Files: these files contain all the user and application data, as well as undo information, and meta data about the data file itself˳
  • Control Files: these files are the brain of the database and contain information that define the meta data (i˳e˳ data about the data) including the names, locations, and types of the all the other database files˳
  • Online Redo Log Files: these files contain database redo information, or the information to keep track of all changes made to the database if a database needs to be restored and recovered from a database backup˳ If the database is in “no archive log mode,” these online redo log files will be written over as they fill up and cycle to the next one˳
  • Archive Log Files: if the database is in “archive log mode” these files contain the online redo log file information (see above) that have been archived before they are written over˳ Most databases are in “archive log mode” unless they contain data that will never need to be recovered in between a cold, offline backup˳ Only databases in “archive log mode” can be backed up with a hot, or online backup˳
  • Temp Files: these files contain temporary data segments that are generated when database sorts are performed˳

Database Files Examples:

In a SAP Oracle database environment, the below are typical examples of the directory, or file system structure, and file names˳ These are examples only˳ Your system directory structure and file naming standards may vary˳

Data Files:





Control Files:



Online Redo Log Files:





Archive Log Files:




Temp Files:


Congratulations! You have now learned one part of the Oracle Server Architecture: what is meant by the term “database˳” This short treatment is not meant to cover the topic in detail, but is meant as an introduction, and an enjoyable, painless way toward mastering a complex topic˳ You should next learn about the Oracle Instance˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?One-Minute-Oracle-SAP-Database-Administrator-(DBA):-Server-Architecture—Database-Files&id=8456131

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