Home News Quick Tips For Tidying Up Your Home

Quick Tips For Tidying Up Your Home

Quick Tips For Tidying Up Your Home

We all know that it takes a good two to three hours to clean a house, but when you are busy with your job, your children, or your dog/cat sometimes trying to find that chunk of time is impossible˳ If you have just ten or twenty minutes to spare you could use that time to clean up a room or two˳ When you get your clean up done fast it gives you extra time to do more of the things that you enjoy the most˳

Prepare to do the task at hand:

If you have children have them go through the house and pick up toys, shoes, and whatever clutter is on the floor and have them put these items in their rightful places˳ Meanwhile, you can be putting together your cleaning supplies˳ Carry your cleaning supplies in a portable caddy˳ Along with your regular cleaning supplies your caddy should also include: an old toothbrush (for hard to to clean areas and hard to reach spots), and all- purpose wipes (to clean bathroom and kitchen surfaces in one easy swipe)˳

Your Bathroom:

Put your bath mats in the washing machine before you begin, they will be ready to dry halfway through your tasks˳ Vacuum the floor, pull out stray hairs from the tub˳ Remove the grime and soap scum around the sink faucets and the hard to reach areas with that old toothbrush, follow with a spray from your disinfecting cleaner and wipe with a dry rag˳ That toilet seat can be wiped with your all-purpose wipes˳

Your Entry Way:

Shake out your doormats and sweep the steps˳ clean the windows on the front door inside and outside with a streak-free glass cleaner˳ Polish the kick plates and wipe off the doorknobs˳ Wipe off the dirt on your base-boards and the door frame˳ Wipe off the hand prints from your light switch˳

Your Kitchen:

Wash the dishes˳ If your not using that counter top appliance put it away somewhere, pull the other appliances back from the wall so you can wipe the surfaces around them put them back˳ Wipe down all surfaces even the cabinets and the fridge˳ Run an electrostatic mop or cloth over the floor˳

Your Bedrooms:

Make the bed, organize clutter, pick up clothes off the floor and place in the hamper˳ Put paperwork in a folder so you can go through it later˳

Your Family Area:

Pick up things off the floor, straighten the couch cushions and fluff the pillows˳ Vacuum the floor˳ Dust the lampshades˳

Remember this is not the time for your deep cleaning, you can do that on a rainy day˳ See you can do one or two rooms in ten or fifteen minutes˳ Make sure to turn your telephone ringer, your cell phone, and your television set because these can distract you and you can do more and move quicker if your not worried about what’s going on on “Jerry Springer” or “Judge Judy”, and much less what that pesky telemarketer wants, oh yeah that’s Jill text messaging you about how “she’s bored at work again”˳ Now that these are all off your mind you can focus on the mission at hand˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Quick-Tips-For-Tidying-Up-Your-Home&id=646433

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