Home Health Hair loss is a sign of which disease?

Hair loss is a sign of which disease?

Hair loss is a sign of which disease?

There are many causes of hair loss, including medical causes˳

Hair loss is a sign of which disease?  - Photo 1.

If you lose too much hair with some strange signs, go to the hospital for an early health check – Photo: SKINKARF

Hair loss is a fairly common condition in both sexes, so many people are subjective because ‘hair falls out and then grows new’˳ However, hair loss can be a warning sign of an illness˳

Inflammation of the scalp

Inflammation of the scalp increases oil production and clogs the pores on the scalp˳ This creates conditions for bacteria and fungi to grow, causing damage to the scalp layer and causing hair loss˳

Inflammation of the scalp can also cause folliculitis˳ This is a condition that damages the hair follicles at the root and can cause hair loss if left untreated˳

Because hair loss has many cosmetic effects, people with scalp inflammation are at a higher risk of depression and stress˳

Decreased liver function

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Hepatitis can reduce liver function, causing the body to lack important nutrients such as protein, iron and vitamins such as vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin B12… This can make hair prone to breakage, split and fall˳

Hepatitis medications can also cause hair loss as a side effect˳ For example, the drug interferon can cause temporary hair loss and the drug ribavirin can cause permanent hair loss˳

Lupus disease

Lupus is a disease involving the immune system, when the body attacks its own cells and tissues˳ This can lead to a variety of symptoms, including hair loss˳

Lupus can reduce the number of blood cells, leading to anemia˳ The reduced blood and nutrient flow to the hair follicles causes the hair to weaken and fall out˳

Meanwhile, some medications used to treat lupus, such as corticosteroids, can cause hair loss as a side effect˳

In addition, lupus patients can also be influenced by other factors, such as stress, medications, or malnutrition, all of which can lead to hair loss˳

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To minimize hair loss in lupus, patients need treatment to keep the disease under control˳ Besides, they should also pay attention to their diet and provide enough nutrients for the body to support hair health˳

If necessary, patients can discuss with their doctor about different hair loss treatments, including medications or hair care products˳

Thyroid disorders

A thyroid disorder is a condition where the thyroid gland cannot produce enough or produces too much thyroid hormone, causing a variety of symptoms, including hair loss˳

Specifically, when the thyroid gland lacks thyroid hormone, hair can become weak and fall out easily˳ Conversely, when the thyroid gland produces too much thyroid hormone, it can cause hair-related ailments, including dryness and brittleness, which are prone to breakage or shedding˳


Cancer is a disease involving the abnormal and uncontrolled growth of cells in the body˳ When cancer affects the endocrine glands, causing hormonal changes or declines, hair weakens and falls out˳

Some cancer drugs, meanwhile, often affect hair cells, making hair weak and easy to fall out˳

In addition, a number of other causes such as nutritional deficiencies, stress and depression can also cause hair loss˳

When to go to the doctor?

Usually hair loss is not a major health problem˳ However, if the hair loss is accompanied by some other abnormal health signs such as rapid weight loss, insomnia, fatigue, uncomfortable nausea, excessive hair loss, etc˳, you should go to the hospital for a timely examination˳

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TTO – Doctor CKII Tran Kim Phuong – Head of Skin Aesthetics Department of Ho Chi Minh City Dermatology Hospital – said that recently many patients with hair loss after contracting COVID-19, were worried about going to Ho Chi Minh City Dermatology Hospital˳ examination and treatment˳

Source link: https://cocc˳edu˳vn/rung-toc-la-dau-hieu-cua-benh-nao-20230324165633973˳htm

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