Home News Sales & Marketing Strategies – Zig-isms to Success Driven Marketing

Sales & Marketing Strategies – Zig-isms to Success Driven Marketing

Sales & Marketing Strategies - Zig-isms to Success Driven Marketing

Growing up with parents who sold products and services, I heard Zig-isms when I was young and have applied them my whole life˳ I remember leaving a Barbie Playground one day with Barbie spouting, “I’ll see You at the Top˳” My friends all thought I was a little weird, but Barbie’s wardrobe rivaled those delicate designer wardrobes the other girls bought for their dolls˳ I spent hours stitching clothing from catalogue inspirations for my Barbie dolls˳ Who knew that my cast off denim jeans could create multi-million dollar wardrobes?

Although I’m sure they never really made millions, that experience gave me the confidence to pursue a career in Bridal Design after college, and eventually to enter a field of business development that has continued to bring me to the top of various industries˳ Between having a family and raising children, I’ve found comfort in the fact that I’m never far from a successful venture˳ But how have Zig-isms led to my success?

No matter how desperately I failed in any endeavor, I remembered that “failure is only the result of giving up˳” I never, EVER gave up˳

No matter what you’re doing, if you’d prefer it not be done˳ STOP! In all things consider the Golden Rule, use it wisely and consistently˳ “Do unto others as you’d have them do unto you˳” This means ethical behavior and understanding others when they mess up˳

When I understood the basic principle of giving, I began to go where I wanted in business˳ “Help enough other people to achieve their goals and you’ll be where you want to be˳” I’ve spent my life helping others, guided by a belief that I can be better by simply being the person I’m meant to be˳

By refusing to accept negativity into my life, I have found success˳ The value of positive thinking is in the understanding of what is valuable and true, knowing that you bring back to yourself what you give to others˳ I value the positives and my goal is to always offer a positive uplifting hand when others are in need˳

I’ve found both comfort and solace in the Bullfrog principle˳ A frog placed live in a pan of boiling water will jump out to safety˳ However, a bullfrog placed in a pan of cold water on a burner will grow comfy and warm in water coming to a boil˳ This concept has given me the initiative necessary to step out and take a leap into the unknown at times when complacency might have brought me down˳ The principle leads to the ability to weather the storms knowing that staying in the comfort zone meant giving up˳

If you’re sitting on the side lines of comfort, feeling good about where you’re at, look around you and think about the possibilities outside that pan of warm water˳ Could you possibly have the ability to grow beyond the confines of the bubbles growing at your feet˳ JUMP!

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Sales-and-Marketing-Strategies—Zig-isms-to-Success-Driven-Marketing&id=1309673

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