Home News Seal Your Home to Keep Heat In

Seal Your Home to Keep Heat In

Seal Your Home to Keep Heat In

The heat and humidity of summer is over, the fall and winter clothes are out of storage and you’re ready for the approaching winter˳ But is your house ready?

There are a few inexpensive things you can do to keep winter weather outside and stay cozy inside˳

First and probably most important is to have your furnace checked for damage and operating efficiency˳ Don’t wait until the first sub-zero snap to discover your heating system needs help˳

Once you know your furnace or heat pump is in top condition the next step is to look and listen to your house˳ A careful eye and a well-tuned ear can guide you to what needs attention˳ Also, try to recall those areas that seemed colder than normal last year˳ Ask family members if they remember the house being cold last winter, and, if so, where˳

Here are some places to look and steps you can take to remedy the situation:

o Change your ceiling fan switches to rotate counter-clockwise˳ This pulls the warmer air down into the living room˳

o Install foam gaskets on all your exterior wall outlets, light switches and receptacles˳ This prevents air/wind leaks from competing with your furnace˳ Be sure to turn off the electricity at the breaker box before installing the gaskets˳

o Caulk around all your exterior door trim and windows˳ While you’re at the doors check to see if they need new weather-stripping˳

o Wrap your water pipes˳ Water breaks are never any fun, but they’re especially bad in cold weather˳

o Vacuum air vents, baseboard heaters and radiators to remove the dust that reduces heating efficiency˳

o Check your attic, attached garage walls and basement to be sure you have adequate insulation˳

o Check any exposed heating ducts for loose joints and leaks˳ If you find any, seal the problem area with duct tape˳

All these tips can also lower your winter heating bill˳ Every degree above 70 degrees can increase your heating costs by 3 to 5 percent˳ The more winter weather you can keep outside the house, the more efficiently your heating system will operate˳

Now you’re ready˳ Put on the parka, stocking cap and mittens and go outside and enjoy the beauty of winter˳ Your house will be toasty warm when you return for the hot chocolate˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Seal-Your-Home-to-Keep-Heat-In&id=86124

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