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Security Solutions

Security Solutions

If you have read my (numerous!) surety articles online, you may think bonds are the only thing I care about˳ While this is true, I do have ideas on other subjects and here is one that has me worried: Cyber Security˳

The threats are all around us: Phishing, hacking, denial of service attacks, viruses, identity theft and credit card fraud˳ It is obvious that the bad guys will never let up, never stop looking for ways to take advantage of people – unless we do something dramatic to thwart them forever˳

So here they are, solutions that are inexpensive or FREE! that will help protect you, your privacy and your assets˳

Protect Your Data

Do you trust the “cloud”? What if they lose your data, sell it or they get hacked?! Here is a solution that will protect your passwords, account numbers and other valuable info, prevent all internet and email scams and assure that you have complete access to all your info, all the time˳

This solution is portable and permanent, and the total cost is (you’re gonna love this): $1˳79 at Staples˳

This security solution is called a “Pocket Notepad˳” Here’s how it works˳

You write down all your important stuff, then you put the notepad in your pocket˳

THAT’S IT! No hacking, no phishing, and you can take it with you when you go fishing˳ Totally portable!

Credit Card Fraud

So many ways for thieves to get your info˳ They use skimmers to read your data˳ There is malware, web scams and picking through your trash˳

Here is a security solution that will prevent all unauthorized use of you credit / debit cards – and this one is Free! This solution is called “Cash˳”

Cash is paper money and coins issued by the government˳ You can use it to buy anything, and it is accepted everywhere˳ Pay with Cash and never worry again about unauthorized access to your account˳


Facebook and other social network platforms gather your info – then what? There is no way to predict who may have access and then misuse it˳

Our final security solution is another Free one! This will absolutely protect your info from misuse or attack on the internet˳ You will still have the ability to pursue new relationships and maintain current friendships as you do with your current social media˳

In fact, this solution goes even further! It enables an enhanced level of communication where you not can see the individual in real time, and actually touch them! It is called “Talking˳” You talk to the person, they answer you and (get this) they are right in the room with you!!! Insane!

This is actually a very old concept that has been used successfully for thousands of years˳ It is tried and proven – and it could work for you, too˳

So there you have them, three great inexpensive / free solutions to the cyber threats we face˳ Technology may be the cause of the problem, but it is not necessarily the cure˳ With this article, we invite you to consider the following:

  1. You may not find the solution to every problem in your cell phone˳ I admit they are cool and do a lot – more every day˳ But sometimes “old school” is better˳ Try giving it a chance occasionally˳
  2. You think all Bond People are boring? We’re not! We love to use our knowledge and creativity to solve bonding problems˳ Our underwriting staff has many (many, many) years of contract surety expertise˳ When you call needing a bid or performance bond up to $10 million, our greatest joy is to be the solution you were looking for˳ Keep this number in your new $1˳79 Notepad: 856-304-7348˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Security-Solutions&id=9940015

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