Home News 15 Small Habits To Help You Overcome Digital Overload – Forbes

15 Small Habits To Help You Overcome Digital Overload – Forbes


Slow digital overload

Living and working in an increasingly digital world can be quite overwhelming, so much so that it becomes as difficult to switch off as kicking an addiction˳ Being constantly online and connected can prevent us from living our lives fully and even from doing our jobs right — the temptation to procrastinate is just a click away˳

Reduced productivity and engagement at home and at the office are a direct result of this information overload we’re experiencing, according to a Stanford University study˳ Aside from the toll it has on our personal lives, this can lead to billions of dollars in losses to the economy˳

Below, 15 members of Forbes Coaches Council share their advice on how to effectively counter the overwhelm of living in a digital world, one step at a time˳

1˳ Set Clear Boundaries

We live in a time of massive opportunity within the digital space, but the problem is there are so many distractions and it’s hard to switch off˳ But we do need to switch off˳ You need to set boundaries on when you cease all digital activity every day˳ For example, never check email or social after 6 p˳m˳ Your brain needs a break˳ – Ian Cleary, RazorSocial

2˳ Designate One Day Every Week As A Free Day

Although it may be challenging at first, carve out a full day (24 hours) during which you do not read or respond to emails, or check in on work at all˳ This time is only for you˳ Plan out how you will spend it˳ Take a hike, read a book… unwind˳ It may be tempting to check on email at first˳ But don’t do it˳ You’ll eventually get the hang of it, and won’t be able to live without these free days˳ – Laura M˳ Labovich, The Career Strategy Group

3˳ Learn And Develop New Bite-Sized Habits

Forget about trying to be a master of all the new technology˳ Pick one thing to learn about and develop a habit around˳ Once it becomes natural, pick another˳ It could be as simple as sharing one article every day on LinkedIn that is relevant to you and your network˳ Small changes compound over time to make big differences˳ – Larry Boyer, Success Rockets LLC

4˳ Identify And Eliminate Common Distractions

Working in a digital world has enormous benefits˳ Technological advances, for example, have proven invaluable˳ Smartphones make working anywhere possible˳ However, as the benefits increase, so do the distractions˳ The best way to counter overwhelm is to identify and eliminate the kinds of distractions likely to sidetrack you within the digital environment˳ Being proactive is key to your success˳ – Karima Mariama-Arthur, Esq˳, WordSmithRapport

5˳ Schedule Your Digital Downloads

Feeling like your devices are running your life? Have a strategy for your digital engagement˳ Save social browsing for the end of your day or as a reward for completing a task˳ Set an intention for your browsing to accelerate a goal such as maintaining friendships or starting a job search˳ Review your device alerts and apps to show you the information most relevant to you˳ – Meredith Moore Crosby, Leverette, Weekes & Company, Inc˳

6˳ Don’t Let Your Devices Be Your First Priority

Turn your phone off two hours before bedtime˳ Don’t turn it on first thing in the morning˳ When you wake up, spend at least 15 minutes in quiet reflective time˳ Set intentions for the day˳ Meditate˳ Move your body˳ This calms you, decreases stress and helps you kick the habit of waking and sleeping with your device˳ You’re creating your overwhelm by making your devices your first priority˳ – Nancy Marmolejo, TalentAndGenius˳com

7˳ Remove Push Alerts

Turn off Outlook email notifications and push alerts to your phone˳ These alerts will interrupt your workflow and keep you wired to your email and electronic devices˳ Instead, set goals in the morning before you review your email˳ Managing your schedule like this allows technology to support your goals rather than drive them˳ – Lindsey Day, Magnetic Career Consulting

8˳ Minimize To Maximize

Get in the daily practice of using self-restraint by engaging only in digital information that requires your immediate attention, applies to taking care of your responsibilities, or provides direct application to achieving your prioritized goals˳ Eliminating the non-essentials will minimize overwhelm and maximize your focus, energy and ability to achieve success˳ – Linda Zander, Super Sized Success

9˳ Put Your Phone In Airplane Mode

To increase productivity and happiness, put your phone in airplane mode while focusing on a specific task for 20 minutes˳ When you feel the pull to check it, remind yourself that only when the 20 minutes are over will you be allowed to check the phone˳ You will slowly retrain your brain to feel less overwhelmed in the hyper-connected world we live in˳ – Bijal Choksi, BC Consulting Inc˳

10˳ Be Ruthless

Get ruthless with your boundaries, including technology-free time at the gym, in meetings, during family time and meals, or other breaks where you can focus on your life and the people you have in front of you˳ Get ruthless with the time you are willing to give technology and refuse to give it more˳ – Jenn Lofgren, Incito Consulting

11˳ Stop Multi-Tasking

Studies indicate that multitasking can reduce productivity by up to 40%˳ The problem with multi-tasking is our shifting back and forth between tasks isn’t efficient because it takes our brain some time to refocus˳ The digital world allows us to multi-task even more, which gives us a false perception of being efficient˳ Stop multi-tasking, and you will be less overwhelmed and more productive˳ – Alexandra Salamis, Integral Leadership Design

12˳ Spend More Time In Nature

Open a window, step outside or go for a walk˳ It can seem overwhelming at times, with all the ads, devices and noise in our lives˳ When you are overwhelmed, take a moment to acknowledge the feeling and then focus on your breath going in and out of your nostrils˳ Go outside and feel the wind blowing against your body˳ Watch the sway of the trees˳ Look at the world around and see its beauty˳ – Aaron Levy, Raise The Bar Consulting

13˳ Remove Social Apps From Your Phone

We are always “on,” in the digital world, often feeling overwhelmed by the constant notifications from multiple sources˳ To minimize the overwhelm, remove social apps from your phone and only check them at your computer˳ You may find that engaging in certain ways in the digital space becomes less important, you have more time, and the feelings of overwhelm lessen from constantly being “on˳” – Jennifer Clevidence, jennyclevidence˳com

14˳ Start A Gratitude Journal

Putting in three entries a day (even one liners) into a gratitude journal will wash your overwhelm away˳ My clients and I find this technique offsets the wrong spotting (negative focus) of our overwhelmed lives˳ Just start˳ Use your phone, notebook, laptop or scraps of paper˳ Share this with a friend and make their life feel manageable again, too˳ – Gary Cohen, CO2 Partners

15˳ Discover Mindfulness Breathing

We live in a hyper-stimulated world˳ Many people find it a struggle to deal with the incessant digital intrusions and associated demands of our technologically advanced society˳ One aid that has benefited many people is the growing practice of mindfulness breathing˳ For countless numbers of people, mindfulness breathing is a welcome respite from the “noise” of our digital world˳ – Eddie Turner, Eddie Turner LLC

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