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Ho Chi Minh City Department of Health asks hospitals to be ‘highly alert’ to Deeda’s fundraising activity

Ho Chi Minh City Department of Health asks hospitals to be 'highly alert' to Deeda's fundraising activity

The Board of Directors of the Department of Health of Ho Chi Minh City directed the attached hospitals to report, and at the same time raised their vigilance against Deeda Vietnam Co˳, Ltd˳’s fundraising activities after the Tuoi Tre investigation˳

Ho Chi Minh City Department of Health asks hospitals to be on high alert for Deeda's fundraising activities - Photo 1.

The company Deeda often targets hospital patient situations to approach writing articles calling for donations˳ In the photo: Caring for children treated at the infectious and neurological department of Children’s Hospital 1 – Photo: DUYEN PHAN

After the article “The benefactor’s money is gradually falling” published in the newspaper YouthMr˳ Nguyen Anh Dung – deputy director of the Department of Health of Ho Chi Minh City – said that he had directed the Inspector of the Department of Health to get involved˳ At the same time, there is a document sent to the affiliated hospitals to request a review of the cases of patients being called for donations by Deeda Vietnam Co˳, Ltd˳

“Condemnable behavior”

According to the Inspector of Ho Chi Minh City Department of Health, some hospitals that are required to report include: Children’s Hospital 1, Children’s Hospital 2, Blood Transfusion – Hematology, Gia Dinh People’s, Children’s City, Oncology …

These are the hospitals that Youth There are patients who have been posted by Deeda Company asking for donations on the website https://www˳deeda˳care/vn by Deeda˳

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    Investigation: Charity call for ‘commission’READ NOW

Regarding the view of the health industry in Ho Chi Minh City, Mr˳ Tang Chi Thuong – director of the Department of Health of Ho Chi Minh City – affirmed the act of calling for fundraising, then “cutting” % of the donation amount of benefactors despite Any reason is “deserving of condemnation” and the hospitals of Ho Chi Minh City are very pressing˳

If you want to donate, please go to the social work department

On the same day, Dr˳ Nguyen Thanh Hung – director of Children’s Hospital 1 (HCMC) – affirmed that the unit resolutely did not cooperate with the organization calling for donations for Deeda charity˳ Currently, all calls or donations of the hospital go through the social work department, not through any intermediary unit˳

“We have also recommended that philanthropists who want to donate should go to the social work department, where there are invoices and documents, there is a public audit and especially the right patients need help” – Mr˳ Hung affirmed˳

Mr˳ Hung highly appreciates the feedback of Mr Youth Online about this phenomenon, thereby affirming the need for strong information so that people can be vigilant and avoid taking advantage of the benefactor’s heart, as well as the pain of illness˳

The leader of the City Children’s Hospital said: is making the fastest report to send to the Department of Health˳ This leader affirmed that the hospital’s position is open, transparent, beneficial to patients, not profiteering when supporting patients˳

The hospital asserts that it is not affiliated or cooperated with Deeda Co˳, Ltd˳ to call for patient support˳ At the same time, she expressed her frustration at Deeda’s posting Call for support The above has affected the reputation and image of the hospital˳

“Through this case, we will learn from experience in closely grasping the patient’s situation˳ Doctors and nurses must notify the social work department when seeing that the patient is in difficult circumstances so that the board of directors can have a solution˳ support project˳

At the same time, the hospital will strengthen strict control of those who enter the hospital to take pictures, contact, and avoid profiting from patients,” the leader said˳

Deeda “cuts” from 10% to 50% of the donation amount

April 13, newspaper Youth opening the article reflecting on the fundraising activities of Deeda Vietnam Co˳, Ltd˳ Many hospitals and patients question and think that this is a form of business on the pain of patients˳

As long as the patient agrees, Deeda’s fundraising goal is from 300 to 500 million VND˳ In which, many cases have been paid 80-100% by the health insurance fund, or have been supported by the hospital’s social work department˳ Worth mentioning, there is a case of Deeda calling for donations for both… the dead˳

Most of the patients after the end of the fundraising campaign were “cut off” by Deeda from 10% to 50% of the amount raised˳

Investigation: Call for charity take Investigation: Charity call for ‘commission’

Many hospitals and patients question Deeda Vietnam Co˳, Ltd˳’s fundraising to call for charity to help patients in difficult circumstances˳ Tuoi Tre reporter investigates, invites readers to watch part 1: The benefactor’s money… is falling gradually!˳

Source link: https://cocc˳edu˳vn/so-y-te-tp-hcm-de-nghi-cac-benh-vien-canh-giac-cao-voi-hoat-dong-keu-goi-gay-quy-cua-deeda-20230413175432908˳htm

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