Home News Social Media – Twitter May Be Littered, But It’s Still Better Than...

Social Media – Twitter May Be Littered, But It’s Still Better Than the Rest

Social Media - Twitter May Be Littered, But It's Still Better Than the Rest

If you are engaged in a social media effort using Twitter, you know how littered the tweet landscape is˳ The problem of garbage collection on Twitter mainly deals with surrounding space junk and debris of spam marketing agencies and similar automatic tweet feeds˳

For various reasons unbeknown to me, search engine optimization and search engine marketing companies believe that if you automatically generate a Twitter following, combined with an aggregate of retweets and RSS or news feeds, that one will somehow reach a social media utopia˳ However, that is far from the truth˳

However, let us go back to the basics of social media˳ By employing social media, you are effectively telling a client that you will put effort into a social atmosphere˳ In that atmosphere, you are also making the commitment to maintain a certain presence online˳

Moreover, you have to reach a targeted audience˳ For example, if you are engaging with a social media effort dealing with a client who sells freshly baked bread˳ You obviously would need to engage similar chefs, bakers and bread industries on Twitter, would you not?

Nevertheless, here is the problem with that˳ Aside from the efforts of Twitter, to improve the experience of their users, many so-called social media campaigns employ the use of automatic follow-back tactics˳ There are innumerable auto-follow lists out there, of say 500 or more Twitter users or ‘tweeples’ who will automatically follow you back, once you have followed them˳

What is the problem with that you say? Well, social media is about respect and real information, at least at the core of it˳ If I generate a follower count of 50,000 users, using an auto-follow list, how many of those said tweeples are going to engage in what is said on my tweets–the answer? A handful or none at all˳

There is a real dilemma with Twitter followings˳ Auto-followers are being paid back in full, when the tweeple that they follow end up defollowing them, several days after the fact˳ What does this do? Well, it is a sneaky social media tactic meant to raise the count of followers of the user who defollowed you, while slyly reducing your following˳ Why does this tactic work? The use of auto-following of course˳ If you are going to employ auto-following tactics, you are effectively setting yourself up for this defollow tactic˳

Auto-follow on Twitter can be effectively used˳ Once you have built a reasonable set of followers, auto-follow can prove to be valuable˳ If you believe that people who are interested in what you have to say on Twitter, such as the bakery example above, then you can effectively use auto-follow˳ Think of your Twitter account, having built a reasonable follower count, like a well-oiled machine˳ Once people catch on to you, then you will start getting followers who can relate to your industry, topic and conversation˳ With auto-follow enabled, you will be able to follow them back, quickly and easily˳ This is the right way to use it˳

It is obvious that anyone can be defollowed on Twitter – it is in the functionality˳ Yet, if you have created an active and real Twitter following, you will not have to deal with sneaky defollow tactics˳ If someone defollows your handcrafted and built-up follower list, you will most likely know who it was and possibly why he or she did it˳

The fundamentals to gaining respect on Twitter and actively engaging are as follows:

  • Start by following active friends that are interested in your company˳
  • Reach out more: Follow industry relations, and businesses that you know˳ Make sure that they are actively engaged on Twitter˳
  • Increase your Twitter following by actively engaging, promoting and keeping up with current trends and news of your industry˳
  • Stay away from employing auto-follow tactics, RSS/news aggregates that link to Twitter, etc˳
  • Keep information real, and provide short status updates: “We just did this…” or “Employee x thinks that…”
  • Never let go of your following˳ Twitter is about consistency, so keep it that way, if you can˳

It is important to keep the efforts going with a social media campaign˳ While some social media experts may think that Twitter is a numbers game, it is not˳ While popularity is important, at least to any sales-driven business, it must be developed with an overarching goal in mind˳ And that is to provide a real source of information about your product, and business˳ Therefore, Twitter, much like other social media sites, can be employed to build a brand˳ With actual followers who listen to your tweets, you will be able to get a message out quickly, effectively and to a large and interested audience˳ That is the goal˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Social-Media—Twitter-May-Be-Littered,-But-Its-Still-Better-Than-the-Rest&id=4543772

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