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Something to Talk About in Your Next Staff Meeting – Video SEO And Marketing

Something to Talk About in Your Next Staff Meeting - Video SEO And Marketing

OK, you have your weekly staff meeting and the subject comes up about cutting costs˳ Most times the first thing to get chopped, is marketing and advertising˳ This obviously creates a catch-22, because on one hand you do not want to cut staff members, while at the same time you need to promote your practice or small business˳

What to do? The answer lies in the question of how much you are spending in your advertising budget? Are you spending three fourths of your budget on traditional ads that do not work? For example: Yellowpages (which I probably used maybe once in a year) or worst, advertising on a huge billboard, that you cannot track or even know, if your ad was effective˳ These ads cost an arm, a leg and a big toe˳

It’s no wonder, so many small businesses and professionals are struggling right now˳ But it is not your fault˳ If you are a doctor or dentist, they do not teach you about marketing your practice, they teach you about anatomy˳ So the logical step is to follow along with what everyone else is doing˳ Maybe this is why the yellowpages are charging what they want, because they think you need them more than they need your business˳

Not to rant on the yellowpages, because I have used them in the past, but there are better ways to use your money and far less than their what they charge˳ One thing great about the internet, is the power to level the playing field in your behalf˳ Now you can compete with the major corporations that have deep pockets˳ You will get more exposure in certain markets, than many large Fortune 500 companies˳

The next conversation in your staff meeting will be, what options does the Internet offer to switch from traditional marketing and advertising to Internet marketing˳ Well, there about twenty different tactics that you can do, I do not have the time to go over all of them, however, the most popular are pay-per-click, sponsorships, pay-per-view, social networking and video marketing˳ Since, my company is involved with video marketing, we will talk about that tactic˳ Video marketing involves, video seo (search engine optimization), video syndication and of course, the product and service˳ Video SEO is a popular word today, but has anyone explained it to you? The short of it is, to take your video, and upload it to YouTube, and optimize the title, the description, the keywords, the category and making them resound as close to the browsers interests as possible˳

Therefore, your video will come up quicker and rank higher on the major search engines, because it matches the browser keyword search˳ Many PPC advertisers could only dream of getting in the top ten, WITHOUT having to pay for it˳ In my research, I have found lawyers in Phoenix, paying up to $53 per click! No wonder their legal fees are outrageous˳

Video Syndication involves uploading your video, not only to YouTube, but to fifty different video sites as well˳ You get the most amount of exposure using different keywords˳ Imagine, taking your business video and spreading it around to hundreds of different markets, reaching thousands of people˳ Why not? When I worked for one of the top cable companies in the US, I was in the marketing department and promoted pay-per-view events˳ One of the things we did, was to do a cross channel promotion before a MIKE Tyson fight, in order to get the most out of the event, reaching more markets˳ From the Golf Channel to CMT, we distributed our PPV spot all over the cable networks˳ Had great results back in the 90’s too˳ Products and Services are the whole reason behind the video˳ Whatever you are selling or offering, you can promote it with video˳ Demonstrations, Actualizations, and Revelations all in video will promote and sell what you have to offer˳

Making a video does not have to be complicated˳ You can use a web cam or your video phone to get up and personal with your audience˳ You also can record powerpoint presentations, skype conversations and slide shows of your office, with a voice over˳ Technology makes it simple, however, you have to be willing to learn it and master it˳ Whose got time? I had to make time, to learn several of video software programs, just to promote my business˳ Most people do not have that time and energy to follow through with it, and that is why the US has turned into a service industry rather than manufacturing mogul˳ “It’s amazing to see the growth of online video viewing over the last year,” says David DeCantillon, President of Integrated Media Solutions˳ “In July 2010 the viewership time spent on ten of the most popular video sharing sites was 882 minutes and there were 3,559,928 video ads being displayed to 45% to the USpopulation˳” That’s coverage!

Think of the new Internet TV’s coming out, what do you think people are going to be watching? Got a problem with your computer? Turn on your Internet TV and see a video from Bobs Computer Shak and see how to dissect your computer to fix the problem˳ Bob leaves his phone number, on the video and bam! Bob gets a phone call˳

This is the future on the Internet˳ At your next staff meeting you could talk about how to set up your office and write your script, to shoot your videos˳ Then upload them to about 50 video sharing sites to get the most exposure˳ It will pay off almost overnight˳ You will see, they will come˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Something-to-Talk-About-in-Your-Next-Staff-Meeting—Video-SEO-And-Marketing&id=5409226

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