Home News Teleseminars for Motivation – A Perfect Venue

Teleseminars for Motivation – A Perfect Venue

Teleseminars for Motivation - A Perfect Venue

The other day, I was talking to a successful online entrepreneur who indicated to me that she had considered becoming a coach˳ She wanted to be a small business mentor, and a personal coach for folks that needed help in bettering their lives, or making their businesses successful˳ She was doing quite well herself, and had grown her business from scratch, she seemed to know what she was doing, enjoyed the process, and sincerely liked to help others do the same˳

She said in many regards she was already coaching other entrepreneurs, but she wasn’t getting paid for it˳ Okay so, let’s talk about some of the future strategy she might use if she were to do this˳ First, she wanted to do most of her coaching online, and on the telephone˳ She also wanted to have small group networking with each other, groups of multiple entrepreneurs, and multiple individuals who wanted to get together to psyche each other up, so they can achieve all that they’ve dreamed˳

She envisions perhaps having teleseminars to help motivate others, as she had used teleseminars in her own business, which was one of her many strategies˳ Now then, would using such a strategy for motivation be the proper venue? Well, it certainly could be, after all, audiotapes had been used for years by motivational and inspirational self-help gurus˳ People used to buy them all the time, and play them on their Walkman, before the iPod came out, or the invention of CDs or DVDs˳ Today, everyone takes their smart phone with them everywhere they go, and you can hardly stand in line and talk to anyone anymore, because they are text messaging with these instant communication smart tools˳

The other day, I was in the grocery store line, and I was going to let someone go ahead of me who had only a few items, they didn’t want to go in front of me, because they were going to use that time in line to text message their friends˳ Do you see that point? What I’m saying to you is everyone takes their personal tech devices with them wherever they go˳ Therefore doing a teleseminar might be a good venue, because you can motivate people in the middle of their day, and they can tune in from wherever they are˳

Further, if you record these on a podcast, they are also available for later˳ Those folks who ask questions in a teleseminar, well, those questions are probably the typical questions that most people might ask anyway˳ And now they are recorded for future use for uplifting motivation in the future, in this case for anyone that she is coaching˳ Indeed, I hope you will please consider all this and think on it˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Teleseminars-for-Motivation—A-Perfect-Venue&id=6946094

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