Home News Television Ads Allow Law Firms To Grow Business More Than Ten Times

Television Ads Allow Law Firms To Grow Business More Than Ten Times

Television Ads Allow Law Firms To Grow Business More Than Ten Times

Due to the impact of TV ads, an attorney has become particularly well known throughout Denver˳ His legal firm may soon follow suit in becoming a household word if his advertisements produce equally in New York as in Denver, as well as over 90 other cities in America˳ This particular law office is just the latest of a myriad of personal injury firms to become part of advertising programs˳ A common type of advertising used by personal injury firms would be two blue collar workers discussing how to find a lawyer willing to fight for people like them; as with many other firms, this firm spends large amounts of money putting their 30 seconds of advertising on television and other media markets˳

Authorization for lawyers to advertise was ruled legal in 1977 by the US Supreme Court˳ Although certainly not the first law professional to advertise on TV, this lawyer is the first individual to make generic ads that can be used by lawyers across the country˳ The effect that advertisements have on a lawyers’ business after they join this affiliate program are nothing short of revolutionary˳ When he was still a struggling lawyer with only two people in his office, he might work on 80 cases in a year˳ But, now that he’s begun advertising on TV, he has a number of other lawyers and legal assistants handling more than 100 cases in just a month˳ This firm now has the media buyer located right in the building along with a pool table, a mock courtroom, and offices for their TV producer˳

The lawyer who is behind the initial generic ad campaign actually quit practicing law to spend his focus on marketing and developing his ads˳ According to this attorney, he is generating a sizable income and is now fully aware of the impact potential of t˳v˳ ads˳ According to this lawyer, it was a great surprise to him˳ He claims every phone line is ringing every times one of his ads is aired˳ You know that when the phones start ringing, the advertisement is running˳

Even though some of the largest corporate law firms refuse to advertise, or consider it beneath them, there’s a myriad of personal injury attorneys who have learned how powerful publicity can be˳ Before the success of this lawyers advertising campaign he was just one of many struggling personal injury lawyers˳ Typically, he didn’t get clients returning for more legal work because he was a personal injury attorney˳ So once he won their accidental injury cases, that was the end of their relationship˳

The is no doubt that his advertisements get a response˳ Some of the calls, however, aren’t relative to personal injury cases˳ There are lots of calls that don’t have anything to do what they practice˳ Finding a lawyer is not something many people have the skills to do without help˳ Out of 10 calls coming in there’s usually one that is a case worth taking on˳ The number of calls that are unrelated to law is probably the biggest problem that lawyers encounter with their advertising campaigns˳ This volume of unrelated calls necessitated one Washington lawyer to drop out of the program recently because the advertisement cost was too high and he lacked the staff to handle the calls˳ Your caseload might increase, but so will your overhead costs˳ Face it – someone is going to have to answer those calls!

One participating attorney indicated that the profits generated in the first year of the advertisements was twice the amount of the expenses˳ He also noted that the income to cost ratio was consistently rising as his case load increased˳ Some people are even looking to enhance their advertisements by using famous people in them˳ One of those hired for $50,000 is John Madden, of sportscasting and football fame, to shoot six of their ads˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Television-Ads-Allow-Law-Firms-To-Grow-Business-More-Than-Ten-Times&id=5061442

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